Bесь год 1-й павильон Мосфильма ждал этого события. Весь год выходили фильмы в прокат, весь год актеры, актрисы, режиссеры, сценаристы и все те, без чьей работы невозможно создать картины надеялись, что их работу заметят и признают. Если не зрители, обеспечивающие успешный прокат, так остается надежда на кинокритиков и коллег, чье мнение тоже немаловажно для многих.
Еще один вариант привлечь к себе внимание — блеснуть на церемонии вручения кинонаград своим сногсшибательным образом, как это делают, к примеру, на «Оскаре». Но с последним на 14-й церемонии вручения национальной премии «Золотой орел» была напряженка. Если американские актрисы выряжаются что есть силы, то наши красавицы были весьма скромны.
Вечером 29 января всеобщее восхищение вызвала 31-летняя актриса и депутат Госдумы Мария Кожевникова. Звезда «Универа» настолько удачно подобрала платье с соблазнительным декольте. Наряд не только подчеркнул ее прекрасную фигуру после двух беременностей, но и безумно дорогое бриллиантовое колье весом более 5 карат.
Блистать актрисе удалось весь вечер, но не только образами и украшениями. Анна Чиповская и Равшана Куркова, претендовавшие на награду, остались в тени во всех смыслах. «Золотого орла» удостоилась именно Мария, получив первую серьезную кинематографическую награду за лучшую женскую роль второго плана в фильме «Батальонъ».
- За 10 дней до съемок в батальной части я поняла, что я беременна, - начала свою благодарственную речь Кожевникова. - Я побоялась сказать Игорю [Угольникову] сама. Делегировала мужа, говоря: «Вот ты зачинщик, ты и говори!». После этого Угольникову я не могла дозвониться три дня. Спасибо огромное всей съемочной группе! И даже спасибо за побои, которыми меня мучили два часа натурально по всем частям моего тела.
Среди лучших был образ и у режиссера лучшего фильма года «Про любовь» Анны Меликян. 39-летняя обладательница главного приза также не обошлась без декольте
Среди актрис-красавиц в одиночестве была замечена 27-летняя Агния Дитковските, выбравшая для церемонии короткое закрытое платье с пикантным вырезом на груди.
Со своим супругом Андреем Болтенко на площадке церемонии появилась 33-летняя Марина Александрова, выбравшая для мероприятия простую белую рубашку. Сериал «Екатерина» с ее участием получил «Орла», который Марина вышла получать вместе, как одна из создателей.
33-летняя Светлана Ходченкова выбрала элегантный облегающий черный наряд, в очередной раз подчеркнувший, что актриса не беременна.
А 31-летняя Юлия Пересильд, также надевшая черное платье в пол, стала одной из главных героинь церемонии, получив премию за лучшую женскую роль в фильме «Битва заСевастополь».
- Эта награда за роль, которая сама по себе награда, - сказала со сцены актриса. - Моя мечта, чтобы война была только на экране...
Одной из главных конкуренток Юлии на этот приз была РенатаЛитвинова. 49-летняя актриса и режиссер награду не получила, зато в очередной раз подтвердила свой статус иконы стиля, облачившись в умопомрачительное серебряное платье с открытой спиной.
Виктория Толстоганова, ставшая лучшей актрисой телесериала за работу в «Палаче», выбрала простой наряд, однако украшения от Chopard шикарно дополнили ее образ.
Среди гостей премии были замечены: Вера Алентова, ТатьянаМихалкова, Наталья Белохвостикова с супругом ВладимиромНаумовым, светская львица Екатерина Одинцова и многие другие.
кино чуть инфантильное, как и все его герои — городские пижоны, плейбои, граффитисты, видеогеймеры и косплейеры (последователи японских фанатов аниме, переодевающиеся в персонажей комиксов). И хотя на дворе, как отмечается, «кризис», дел у всех у них ровно два — поговорить о любви и по возможности ею заняться. Даже деловой «папик» в стеклянном офисе (Владимир Машков) или суровая девушка-мент (Равшана Куркова) склонны считать, что, несмотря на всю занятость, «любить кого-то надо». Эти герои, как и незадачливо влюбленный олигарх Михаила Ефремова, для Меликян ни разу не социальные функции, а прежде всего представители городских «субкультур», часть цветистой и разнообразной московской фауны, и режиссер описывает ее ровно с той долей легкомысленности, которую она заслуживает
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Russia defender Zhirkov to join Zenit St. Petersburg
Russian champions Zenit St. Petersburg have signed Dynamo Moscow defender Yuri Zhirkov, they said on their website on Tuesday.
The 32-year-old Russian international will join Zenit on July 1 on a two-year contract.
"The player will join Zenit as a free agent, unless the respective parties do not come to an agreement for him to join earlier," Zenit said.
Zhirkov, who has won 67 caps for Russia, played the majority of his career at CSKA Moscow, helping them win the UEFA Cup in 2005.
He joined Chelsea from 2009-11, winning the English Premier League title in 2010 before returning to Russia with Anzhi Makhachkala.
Zenit are sixth in the Russian standings.
The 32-year-old Russian international will join Zenit on July 1 on a two-year contract.
"The player will join Zenit as a free agent, unless the respective parties do not come to an agreement for him to join earlier," Zenit said.
Zhirkov, who has won 67 caps for Russia, played the majority of his career at CSKA Moscow, helping them win the UEFA Cup in 2005.
He joined Chelsea from 2009-11, winning the English Premier League title in 2010 before returning to Russia with Anzhi Makhachkala.
Zenit are sixth in the Russian standings.
Double delight for Zenit as Zhirkov and Kokorin sign
Zenit have signed Yuri Zhirkov and Aleksandr Kokorin from Dinamo Moscow for undisclosed fees.
Zenit have completed the signings of Dinamo Moscow duo Yuri Zhirkov and Aleksandr Kokorin.
The Russian champions, who announced the deals late on Saturday, expect both players to join up with the training camp in Portugal in the coming days. The transfer fees have not been disclosed.
Former Chelsea left-winger Zhirkov had previously agreed on a switch to Zenit at the end of the season, but Dinamo accepted a fee in order to bring the transfer forward.
Kokorin's strong form for the capital club since moving from Anzhi Makhachkala had seen him linked with Arsenal prior to Zenit's interest, with Dinamo ultimately forced to sell as a result of increasing financial difficulties in recent months.
Andre Villas-Boas' side entered the mid-season break in sixth in the Premier League table and will face Benfica in the Champions League last 16.
Zenit have completed the signings of Dinamo Moscow duo Yuri Zhirkov and Aleksandr Kokorin.
The Russian champions, who announced the deals late on Saturday, expect both players to join up with the training camp in Portugal in the coming days. The transfer fees have not been disclosed.
Former Chelsea left-winger Zhirkov had previously agreed on a switch to Zenit at the end of the season, but Dinamo accepted a fee in order to bring the transfer forward.
Kokorin's strong form for the capital club since moving from Anzhi Makhachkala had seen him linked with Arsenal prior to Zenit's interest, with Dinamo ultimately forced to sell as a result of increasing financial difficulties in recent months.
Andre Villas-Boas' side entered the mid-season break in sixth in the Premier League table and will face Benfica in the Champions League last 16.
Everyone Is Freaking Out About Danny's Shorts in Grease: Live
Aaron Tveit had Twitter collectively swooning on Sunday night when his Danny donned a very tiny pair of shorts for a gym scene in Grease: Live. There isn't much to say, other than Tveit had even the most snarky viewers pausing to enjoy his rippling muscles.
To be fair, the shorts had context – Danny dons the retro gym gear while trying to improve his athletic skills in order to impress the more straight-laced (and jock-loving) Sandy (Julianne Hough).
Vanessa Hudgens mourns father hours before 'Grease: Live' performance
Actress Vanessa Hudgens announced the death of her father hours before she took to the stage for Fox's production of "Grease: Live."
"I am so sad to say that last night my daddy, Greg passed away from stage 4 cancer," she tweeted. "Thank you to everyone who kept him in your prayers."
"Tonight, I do the show in his honor," she added.
In 2015, the Daily Mail newspaper reported that the actress revealed her father's diagnosis while accepting an award during the 2015 Industry Dance Awards in Los Angeles.
"Last year, my boyfriend, Austin, lost his mom, Lori, to cancer, and my dad has just been recently diagnosed with stage four cancer," she said. "Let me tell you, I hate cancer. I hate cancer with every cell of my being."
In January 2016 she asked fans to pray for her dad.
Several of her celebrity friends offered their condolences Sunday via Twitter.
Hudgens was cast as Rizzo in "Grease: Live," which aired Sunday on Fox.
She received high praise on social media for her performance.
"I am so sad to say that last night my daddy, Greg passed away from stage 4 cancer," she tweeted. "Thank you to everyone who kept him in your prayers."
"Tonight, I do the show in his honor," she added.
In 2015, the Daily Mail newspaper reported that the actress revealed her father's diagnosis while accepting an award during the 2015 Industry Dance Awards in Los Angeles.
"Last year, my boyfriend, Austin, lost his mom, Lori, to cancer, and my dad has just been recently diagnosed with stage four cancer," she said. "Let me tell you, I hate cancer. I hate cancer with every cell of my being."
In January 2016 she asked fans to pray for her dad.
Several of her celebrity friends offered their condolences Sunday via Twitter.
Hudgens was cast as Rizzo in "Grease: Live," which aired Sunday on Fox.
She received high praise on social media for her performance.
TV Review: ‘Grease Live!’
“Grease Live!” won’t make anyone forget the original film any time soon, but that wasn’t the point. The idea was to cook up a must-see event that got attention on social media and delivered a crisply executed and energetic final product. Thanks to exceptional work from director Thomas Kail and several sterling supporting performances, much of “Grease Live!” was as sweet and tasty as root beer float.
The weakest links of this otherwise entertaining event were stars Julianne Hough and Aaron Tveit, who are terrific dancers but both are about as charisma-challenged as they come as actors.
Tveit has a fine voice, but it’s nearly impossible for any actor to don the leather jacket that John Travolta wore so memorably in the 1978 film, in which Danny Zuko was the chick magnet to end all chick magnets. Whatever its weird gender politics (and they’re plenty weird), the premise of “Grease” is supposed to contrast Danny’s leather-clad machismo and smoldering sweetness with Sandy’s white-bread innocence, but both Hough and Tveit were equally bland in “Grease Live!” When Danny has all the presence of a glass of milk and even the black-clad Sandy of the final scenes exudes all the sexual danger of a church choir director, well, rest assured that those concerned about the “Grease” legacies of Travolta and Olivia Newton-John have nothing to worry about.
Though it’s hard not to wonder how much better “Grease Live!” would have been with different leads, it was still so solidly and smartly crafted that the dullness of the central duo didn’t matter all that much. Kail and fellow director Alex Rudzinski, a veteran of “Dancing With the Stars,” gave the affair energy and momentum, their cast was game and their commitment never lagged.
The only real dull spots were a few of the less compelling solos (and Hough’s tepid rendition of “Hopelessly Devoted to You” was marred by audio static, one of the broadcast’s few technical problems). Otherwise, by incorporating a live audience, using creative staging and employing energetic camera work, “Grease Live!” frequently boasted an impressive sense of momentum and even spontaneity.
Occasionally it felt a little surreal that the live audience was present it made sense for people to be sitting in bleachers during the dances and in various crowd scenes, but it was occasionally slightly odd to see them sitting there quietly at other times. But as a whole, the production breezily incorporated backstage moments with “on stage” moments, although the presence of Mario Lopez as both backstage host and performer didn’t quite work and ended up being jarring, in part because his acting skills were lacking.
The upside of the live audience was that it clearly energized the cast to hear applause; it’s not easy to bridge the gap between live television and Broadway, but Kail’s staging generally blended the two modes effectively.
All in all, “Grease Live!” got most of the big things right the colorful aesthetic, the rip-roaring big dance numbers, the goofy, careening energy. If the central romance was a snooze, well, never mind that raucous hand jive will linger in the memory much longer.
In any event, many members of he supporting cast were so terrific that they more than made up for any slow spots. Newcomer Elle McLemore walked away with most of the scenes she appeared in; she gave her character, Patty Simcox, a Tracy Flick-like manic energy. She was simply terrific.
Ana Gasteyer brought beautifully droll timing to her role as Principal McGee, Keke Palmer and Vanessa Hudgens delivered great renditions of their solo songs, as did Carly Rae Jepsen, whose delightful Frenchy was one of the broadcast’s highlights. Kether Donahue brought infectious joy to every moment she was on screen as Jan, and Boyz II Men were so wonderful as Teen Angel that Fox should think about giving them a variety show right this minute.
Several big set pieces simply sang, most notably the big “Born to Hand Jive” number in the gym, during which Rudzinski’s swooping aesthetic was used to great effect. The concluding numbers “We Go Together” and “You’re the One that I Want” were ebullient as well, though apparently part of the final sequence had to be staged indoors. However the cast exited the soundstage near the end of the broadcast, and the production concluded with a party-like atmosphere outside, some local storms having finally moved off for the moment.
TV and live musicals they go together. If Fox can get the lead casting right in future and snag Kail again, audiences will surely be hopelessly devoted to the network’s next live endeavor.
Charity watchdog reportedly places Wounded Warrior Project on its watch list
The Wounded Warrior Project, the charity for wounded veterans, has been placed on Charity Navigator’s watch list over accusations of using donor money toward excessive spending on conferences and parties instead of on recovery programs, according to CBS News.
According to the charity’s tax forms, obtained by CBS News, spending on conferences and meetings increased from $1.7 million in 2010, to $26 million in 2014, which is the same amount the group spends on combat stress recovery.
Charity Navigator is a watchdog organization that evaluates charities in the U.S.
Army Staff Sergeant Erick Millette, who returned from Iraq in 2006 with a bronze star and a purple heart, told CBS News he admired the charity’s work and took a job with the group in 2014 but quit after two years.
"Their mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors, but what the public doesn't see is how they spend their money," he told CBS News.
Millette said he witnessed lavish spending on staff, with big “catered” parties.
Two former of employees, who were so fearful of retaliation they asked that CBS News not show their faces on camera, said spending has skyrocketed since Steven Nardizzi took over as CEO in 2009, pointing to the 2014 annual meeting at a luxury resort in Colorado Springs.
"He rappelled down the side of a building at one of the all hands events. He's come in on a Segway, he's come in on a horse,” one employee told CBS News.
About 500 staff members attended the four-day conference in Colorado, which CBS News reported cost about $3 million.
"Going to a nice fancy restaurant is not team building. Staying at a lavish hotel at the beach here in Jacksonville, and requiring staff that lives in the area to stay at the hotel is not team building," he told CBS News.
Marc Owens, a former director of the IRS’ tax exempt organizations, was asked to review the charity’s tax documents by CBS News. He told CBS he “couldn’t tell the number of people that were assisted” through the organization.
Wounded Warriors Project has been questioned over how it spends more than $800 million it has raised over the last four years, but has strongly rejected the claims of the CBS report.
The charity’s CEO has yet to comment on the report.
According to the charity’s tax forms, obtained by CBS News, spending on conferences and meetings increased from $1.7 million in 2010, to $26 million in 2014, which is the same amount the group spends on combat stress recovery.
Charity Navigator is a watchdog organization that evaluates charities in the U.S.
Army Staff Sergeant Erick Millette, who returned from Iraq in 2006 with a bronze star and a purple heart, told CBS News he admired the charity’s work and took a job with the group in 2014 but quit after two years.
"Their mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors, but what the public doesn't see is how they spend their money," he told CBS News.
Millette said he witnessed lavish spending on staff, with big “catered” parties.
Two former of employees, who were so fearful of retaliation they asked that CBS News not show their faces on camera, said spending has skyrocketed since Steven Nardizzi took over as CEO in 2009, pointing to the 2014 annual meeting at a luxury resort in Colorado Springs.
"He rappelled down the side of a building at one of the all hands events. He's come in on a Segway, he's come in on a horse,” one employee told CBS News.
About 500 staff members attended the four-day conference in Colorado, which CBS News reported cost about $3 million.
"Going to a nice fancy restaurant is not team building. Staying at a lavish hotel at the beach here in Jacksonville, and requiring staff that lives in the area to stay at the hotel is not team building," he told CBS News.
Marc Owens, a former director of the IRS’ tax exempt organizations, was asked to review the charity’s tax documents by CBS News. He told CBS he “couldn’t tell the number of people that were assisted” through the organization.
Wounded Warriors Project has been questioned over how it spends more than $800 million it has raised over the last four years, but has strongly rejected the claims of the CBS report.
The charity’s CEO has yet to comment on the report.
Novak Djokovic beats Andy Murray to win sixth Australian Open title
The Serb, 28, won 6-1 7-5 7-6 (7-3) to claim his sixth Melbourne title, tying the record of Australia's Roy Emerson.
Djokovic also draws level with tennis greats Bjorn Borg and Rod Laver on 11 Grand Slam titles.
Second seed Murray, 28, has now lost all five Australian Open finals he has played, four of them against Djokovic.
The Scot becomes only the second man - behind his former coach Ivan Lendl at the US Open - to lose five finals at the same Grand Slam since the open era began in 1968.
He was expected to head straight to the airport after the final to return to London and his wife Kim, who is due to give birth to their first child in the next two weeks.
Djokovic has now won four of the past five major tournaments, including three in a row, and will try to complete his career Grand Slam with a first French Open title in June.
Murray: "I feel like I've been here before. Congrats Novak. Six Australian Opens is an incredible feat. The last year has been incredible. Good job.
"I'd like to thank my team for getting me to this position. Sorry I couldn't get it done. Thanks for all your support during a tough few weeks off court.
"And finally to Kim, my wife, who is going to be watching at home. You've been a legend. I'll be on the next flight home."
Djokovic: "I need to pay respect to Andy for having another great tournament. Tough luck tonight.
"He's a great champion, great friend and a great professional who I'm sure will have many more chances to win this trophy.
"I also wish you and Kim good luck for the birth of your child and I hope you will experience a feeling like no other before - that's what happened to me and my wife. I wish you all the best."
Slow start hurts Murray
Murray fought hard after a wretched start but ultimately could not cling on to the pace set by Djokovic, who has suffered just one defeat in six years on Rod Laver Arena.
The British number one came back from a break down in an 80-minute second set, and again in the third, before succumbing to an 11th loss in 12 matches against Djokovic.
Murray needed to make an early impression but Djokovic saved an early break point and then raced 5-0 clear as the Scot made a succession of errors.
It took 24 minutes for Murray to finally get on the scoreboard but the set was soon gone and he was faced with successfully recovering a deficit for the first time in 31 meetings with Djokovic.
Murray was still under pressure as the second set developed and hauled his way through a gripping 12-minute game at 1-1, giving him a foothold in the contest.
Some harder hitting brought success, only for costly errors to keep tripping up the Briton at crucial moments - and Djokovic looked to have made a decisive move when he broke again for a 4-3 lead.
Murray fightback falls short
It prompted a recovery from Murray, who powered his way to a break-back point in the following game and converted with a terrific backhand winner onto the line.
At last it was Djokovic who was berating himself rather than the Scot, but with a tie-break looming at 5-5 the five-time champion produced a burst of brilliance that took the match away from Murray.
Murray was in charge on serve at 40-0 only to crumble under a spectacular display of hitting from his opponent, who reeled off five straight points, including one stunning 36-stroke rally.
The Serb showed an unexpected fragility as two successive double faults offered Murray a lifeline in the next game, but he recovered with a good serve and closed it out thanks to three straight errors across the net.
There was still plenty of fight in the challenger and Murray roused himself to come back from a break down at the start of the third and force a tie-break.
It proved a reflection of the match as a whole, though, as Murray started poorly with two double faults and was out of touch by the time Djokovic sealed victory with an ace after two hours and 53 minutes.
Match analysis
Pat Cash, former Wimbledon champion, on BBC Radio 5 live: "Andy needed to be more intense. Players have to realise that Djokovic blows through the players with deep powerful hitting. You're forced into errors and the set's gone.
"Murray needed to be on the ball and he wasn't. Murray has improved since last year, but so has Djokovic. He's become tougher to beat under pressure."
Russell Fuller, BBC tennis correspondent: "Allowing Djokovic a 6-1 head start is like giving Usain Bolt a 10m start in a 100m sprint. Djokovic played another immaculate first set but Murray was very sluggish and only discovered his best when he went a break down midway through the second set.
"Murray attacked gloriously and his net play become more of a threat as he broke back and got to within two points of squaring the match. But Djokovic did not offer any encouragement. He was again magnificent all night long: too consistent and too strong for even the second best player in the world."
Djokovic also draws level with tennis greats Bjorn Borg and Rod Laver on 11 Grand Slam titles.
Second seed Murray, 28, has now lost all five Australian Open finals he has played, four of them against Djokovic.
The Scot becomes only the second man - behind his former coach Ivan Lendl at the US Open - to lose five finals at the same Grand Slam since the open era began in 1968.
He was expected to head straight to the airport after the final to return to London and his wife Kim, who is due to give birth to their first child in the next two weeks.
Djokovic has now won four of the past five major tournaments, including three in a row, and will try to complete his career Grand Slam with a first French Open title in June.
Murray: "I feel like I've been here before. Congrats Novak. Six Australian Opens is an incredible feat. The last year has been incredible. Good job.
"I'd like to thank my team for getting me to this position. Sorry I couldn't get it done. Thanks for all your support during a tough few weeks off court.
"And finally to Kim, my wife, who is going to be watching at home. You've been a legend. I'll be on the next flight home."
Djokovic: "I need to pay respect to Andy for having another great tournament. Tough luck tonight.
"He's a great champion, great friend and a great professional who I'm sure will have many more chances to win this trophy.
"I also wish you and Kim good luck for the birth of your child and I hope you will experience a feeling like no other before - that's what happened to me and my wife. I wish you all the best."
Slow start hurts Murray
Murray fought hard after a wretched start but ultimately could not cling on to the pace set by Djokovic, who has suffered just one defeat in six years on Rod Laver Arena.
The British number one came back from a break down in an 80-minute second set, and again in the third, before succumbing to an 11th loss in 12 matches against Djokovic.
Murray needed to make an early impression but Djokovic saved an early break point and then raced 5-0 clear as the Scot made a succession of errors.
It took 24 minutes for Murray to finally get on the scoreboard but the set was soon gone and he was faced with successfully recovering a deficit for the first time in 31 meetings with Djokovic.
Murray was still under pressure as the second set developed and hauled his way through a gripping 12-minute game at 1-1, giving him a foothold in the contest.
Some harder hitting brought success, only for costly errors to keep tripping up the Briton at crucial moments - and Djokovic looked to have made a decisive move when he broke again for a 4-3 lead.
Murray fightback falls short
It prompted a recovery from Murray, who powered his way to a break-back point in the following game and converted with a terrific backhand winner onto the line.
At last it was Djokovic who was berating himself rather than the Scot, but with a tie-break looming at 5-5 the five-time champion produced a burst of brilliance that took the match away from Murray.
Murray was in charge on serve at 40-0 only to crumble under a spectacular display of hitting from his opponent, who reeled off five straight points, including one stunning 36-stroke rally.
The Serb showed an unexpected fragility as two successive double faults offered Murray a lifeline in the next game, but he recovered with a good serve and closed it out thanks to three straight errors across the net.
There was still plenty of fight in the challenger and Murray roused himself to come back from a break down at the start of the third and force a tie-break.
It proved a reflection of the match as a whole, though, as Murray started poorly with two double faults and was out of touch by the time Djokovic sealed victory with an ace after two hours and 53 minutes.
Match analysis
Pat Cash, former Wimbledon champion, on BBC Radio 5 live: "Andy needed to be more intense. Players have to realise that Djokovic blows through the players with deep powerful hitting. You're forced into errors and the set's gone.
"Murray needed to be on the ball and he wasn't. Murray has improved since last year, but so has Djokovic. He's become tougher to beat under pressure."
Russell Fuller, BBC tennis correspondent: "Allowing Djokovic a 6-1 head start is like giving Usain Bolt a 10m start in a 100m sprint. Djokovic played another immaculate first set but Murray was very sluggish and only discovered his best when he went a break down midway through the second set.
"Murray attacked gloriously and his net play become more of a threat as he broke back and got to within two points of squaring the match. But Djokovic did not offer any encouragement. He was again magnificent all night long: too consistent and too strong for even the second best player in the world."
Fast 82 Prozent der Zuschauer wollten Menderes im Dschungelcamp-Finale als Sieger sehen. Ein Votum, mit dem die Zweitplatzierte scheinbar nicht so viel anzufangen weiß.
Jürgen war mit dem fünften Platz zufrieden. Auch Thorsten konnte mit dem dritten Rang bestens leben, freute sich für den Sieger Menderes (31). Nur Sophia Wollersheim (28) scheint mit ihrem starken zweiten Platz nicht hundertprozentig glücklich ...
Bereits unmittelbar nach der Bekanntgabe des neuen Dschungelkönigs (31) war der Blondine anzusehen, dass sie die Entscheidung der Zuschauer wurmt. Und aus ihren Ambitionen macht sie auch im Interview mit BUNTE.de keinen Hehl ...
„Ja natürlich wäre ich gerne Dschungelkönigen geworden. Gerade am Ende, wenn man im Finale steht“, sagt Sophia ganz offen. Um dann aber noch mit einer Spitze gegen Menderes nachzulegen. „Im Gegensatz zu ihm habe ich ein Selbstbewusstsein. Aber dann bin ich eben Vizekönigin wie Olivia Jones, das ist ja eigentlich fast gleichrangig. Es gab ja nur einen Titel und keine 100.000 Euro-Prämie. Aber für Menderes ist das halt was besonders, wenn er da wieder abgelust hätte, wäre für ihn eine Welt zusammengebrochen. Der hätte sich in seine Vier Wände verbarrikadiert, wäre untergetaucht.“
So ehrlich diese harten Worte auch gemeint sind, ein schaler Beigeschmack stellt sich dann doch ein. Denn warum gibt man für so einen angeblich ziemlich unbedeutenden Titel alles, isst (immerhin fürs Team) Auge, Vagina und Hoden, und wirkt am Ende doch ein wenig frustriert?! Das wird wohl nur Sophia selber wissen, die im Camp ja mehrmals unter Beweis gestellt hat, dass man sie eben nicht nur auf ihren Vorbau reduzieren sollte.
Jürgen war mit dem fünften Platz zufrieden. Auch Thorsten konnte mit dem dritten Rang bestens leben, freute sich für den Sieger Menderes (31). Nur Sophia Wollersheim (28) scheint mit ihrem starken zweiten Platz nicht hundertprozentig glücklich ...
Bereits unmittelbar nach der Bekanntgabe des neuen Dschungelkönigs (31) war der Blondine anzusehen, dass sie die Entscheidung der Zuschauer wurmt. Und aus ihren Ambitionen macht sie auch im Interview mit BUNTE.de keinen Hehl ...
„Ja natürlich wäre ich gerne Dschungelkönigen geworden. Gerade am Ende, wenn man im Finale steht“, sagt Sophia ganz offen. Um dann aber noch mit einer Spitze gegen Menderes nachzulegen. „Im Gegensatz zu ihm habe ich ein Selbstbewusstsein. Aber dann bin ich eben Vizekönigin wie Olivia Jones, das ist ja eigentlich fast gleichrangig. Es gab ja nur einen Titel und keine 100.000 Euro-Prämie. Aber für Menderes ist das halt was besonders, wenn er da wieder abgelust hätte, wäre für ihn eine Welt zusammengebrochen. Der hätte sich in seine Vier Wände verbarrikadiert, wäre untergetaucht.“
So ehrlich diese harten Worte auch gemeint sind, ein schaler Beigeschmack stellt sich dann doch ein. Denn warum gibt man für so einen angeblich ziemlich unbedeutenden Titel alles, isst (immerhin fürs Team) Auge, Vagina und Hoden, und wirkt am Ende doch ein wenig frustriert?! Das wird wohl nur Sophia selber wissen, die im Camp ja mehrmals unter Beweis gestellt hat, dass man sie eben nicht nur auf ihren Vorbau reduzieren sollte.
Take a peek into the CIA's 'X-Files'
The truth is out there: The CIA has released hundreds of declassified documents detailing investigations into possible alien life.
The Central Intelligence Agency posted documents of reported Unidentified Flying Objects that range in date from the late 1940s to the 1950s. While playing off the hype of the TV show reboot "The X-Files," the CIA broke down the cases into two categories, whether you side with Agent Mulder or Agent Scully.
For believers in alien life, and those who want to channel your inner Mulder, one case you can choose to investigate is the case of a flying saucer in Germany in 1952.
According to CIA reports, an eyewitness told investigators that an object "resembling a huge flying pan" landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet zone of Germany in 1952. The eyewitness said once he was closer to the area where it landed, he saw two men dressed in shiny metallic clothing. The men were stooped over looking at a large object but were spooked by the eyewitness. The mysterious men jumped into the large flying pan object and it spun out into the sky.
"The whole object then began to rise slowly from the ground and rotate like a top," the eyewitness told the CIA.
The man told a judge he thought he was dreaming but said there was a circular imprint on the ground where the object had landed.
If that case intrigues you, there are four more listed on theCIA blog post.
But if you are more of a skeptic like Scully, and believe there is a simple explanation for flying saucer sightings, then the documents from the scientific advisory panel on UFOs in 1953 will help you prove your case.
According to the documents, panel members met to discuss the lack of sound data and reasonable explanations in a handful of sightings from 1952. The panel concluded unanimously that there was no evidence of direct threat to national security by the object sightings. Some of the explanations for the "flying saucers" and "balls of light" were determined to be from military aircraft, light reflected from ice crystals, birds and bright sunlight rays.
To investigate the other cases or to learn how to investigate your own, visit the CIA blog.
The Central Intelligence Agency posted documents of reported Unidentified Flying Objects that range in date from the late 1940s to the 1950s. While playing off the hype of the TV show reboot "The X-Files," the CIA broke down the cases into two categories, whether you side with Agent Mulder or Agent Scully.
For believers in alien life, and those who want to channel your inner Mulder, one case you can choose to investigate is the case of a flying saucer in Germany in 1952.
According to CIA reports, an eyewitness told investigators that an object "resembling a huge flying pan" landed in a forest clearing in the Soviet zone of Germany in 1952. The eyewitness said once he was closer to the area where it landed, he saw two men dressed in shiny metallic clothing. The men were stooped over looking at a large object but were spooked by the eyewitness. The mysterious men jumped into the large flying pan object and it spun out into the sky.
"The whole object then began to rise slowly from the ground and rotate like a top," the eyewitness told the CIA.
The man told a judge he thought he was dreaming but said there was a circular imprint on the ground where the object had landed.
If that case intrigues you, there are four more listed on theCIA blog post.
But if you are more of a skeptic like Scully, and believe there is a simple explanation for flying saucer sightings, then the documents from the scientific advisory panel on UFOs in 1953 will help you prove your case.
According to the documents, panel members met to discuss the lack of sound data and reasonable explanations in a handful of sightings from 1952. The panel concluded unanimously that there was no evidence of direct threat to national security by the object sightings. Some of the explanations for the "flying saucers" and "balls of light" were determined to be from military aircraft, light reflected from ice crystals, birds and bright sunlight rays.
To investigate the other cases or to learn how to investigate your own, visit the CIA blog.
Sir Terry Wogan: Veteran broadcaster dies, aged 77
In a statement, they said: "Sir Terry Wogan died today after a short but brave battle with cancer.
"He passed away surrounded by his family. While we understand he will be missed by many, the family ask that their privacy is respected at this time."
BBC director general Tony Hall said: "Terry truly was a national treasure."
Sir Terry leaves wife Lady Helen and their three children. The couple also had a daughter who died in infancy.
Limerick-born Sir Terry had a 50-year career on television and radio, including presenting Wake up to Wogan on BBC Radio 2 and the Wogan chat show.
He was also the voice of Eurovision in the UK for many years and had been involved in the Children in Need appeal since it began.
BBC Radio 2 controller Bob Shennan said: "As the host of Wake up to Wogan, Terry established himself as one of the greatest and most popular radio hosts this country has ever heard.
"We were brightened by his wonderful personality and charm as he woke us up every weekday morning, becoming an essential and much-loved part of our lives.
"His millions of listeners adored him, as did his whole Radio 2 family. We will miss him enormously and our thoughts at this very sad time are with Helen and all the family."
Sir Terry originally went into banking after college before switching careers to join Ireland's national Radio Eireann as a newsreader and announcer.
He moved into light entertainment, as a DJ and host of TV quiz and variety shows in Ireland, before joining the BBC, where he would stay for the rest of his career.
He presented the breakfast show from 1972 to 1984, as The Terry Wogan Show, and then from 1993 to 2009 as Wake Up To Wogan.
He built up a firm fanbase, dubbing his audience the TOGs, or Terry's Old Geezers and Gals.
When he broadcast at breakfast for the final time, he told listeners: "The years together with you have not only been a pleasure but a privilege. You have allowed me to share your lives with you.
"When you tell me how important I have been in your lives it's very moving. You have been every bit as important in mine."
Lord Hall said: "Terry truly was a national treasure. Today we've lost a wonderful friend.
"He was a lovely, lovely man and our thoughts are with his wife and family. For 50 years Sir Terry graced our screens and airwaves. His warmth, wit and geniality meant that for millions he was a part of the family.
"Wake up to Wogan was for millions of Radio 2 listeners the very best way to start the day.
"For decades he's been such a huge part of the BBC on television and radio and leaves so many wonderful memories.
"At the centre of Children in Need since its beginning, he raised hundreds of millions of pounds and changed so many lives for the better. He leaves a remarkable legacy."
BBC Radio director Helen Boaden said: "Sir Terry was a radio legend. For decades, he gave great pleasure to radio listeners with his wit, warmth and inimitable humour.
"He was an extraordinary broadcaster but also incredibly good fun, and will be sorely missed."
Colleagues of Sir Terry from BBC Radio 2 have paid tribute to him.
Simon Mayo said: "I think people are shocked and stunned because of the fact that he was a radio genius.
"The staple of all great radio is the friend behind the microphone - and he was the ultimate friend behind the microphone."
Ken Bruce said: "The voice which has been with us all our lives, in many cases, is no longer there... He was part of the fabric of our lives in so many ways."
He added that Sir Terry "lifted the whole of entertainment for the BBC and for the whole of this country, just by his presence".
The Irish charm, the gentle humour, the ability to make his audiences feel part of a club - Sir Terry Wogan hosted the Radio 2 Breakfast Show over a span of 37 years and he believed his success was due to keeping things simple.
In an era before email and social media, he made listeners' correspondence absolutely central to the show.
Some days almost his whole script would be provided by letters from his adoring fans - called TOGs - who knew all of the in-jokes.
On TV there was Come Dancing, Blankety Blank, the annual Children In Need Broadcast and the Wogan chat show, which featured famous appearances by an inebriated George Best and David Icke announcing he was the Son of God.
And until 2008 he also provided gently mocking commentary for the Eurovision Song Contest.
But radio was his first love. And that's why in 2009 when he left the Radio 2 breakfast show, his goodbye was so heartfelt.
Jeremy Vine said: "He was probably the greatest broadcaster since the invention of the microphone.
"He lived for the red light and the sense that there was a listener at the end of the microphone. He only ever spoke to one person, because the greatest radio is intimate."
Graham Norton, who took over as Eurovision commentator from Sir Terry, said on Twitter: "He made it seem effortless and for a young boy in Ireland he made it seem possible. RIP Sir Terry Wogan."
Current breakfast show host Chris Evans wrote: "We are all so terribly sad upon hearing of the passing of Terry. I can't put into words how the whole Radio 2 family is feeling."
Tony Blackburn said: "I can hardly believe my old friend Sir Terry Wogan has died. RIP Terry and thanks for being a friend."
Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on Twitter: "My thoughts are with Terry Wogan's family. Britain has lost a huge talent - someone millions came to feel was their own special friend.
"I grew up listening to him on the radio and watching him on TV. His charm and wit always made me smile."
President of Ireland Michael D Higgins said Sir Terry was "one of the great figures of broadcasting".
He said: "His was a distinguished contribution to television and in particular to the medium of radio.
"People in Ireland will remember his early career in Irish broadcasting. On his move to Britain his voice became one of the most often quoted, favourite radio voices.
"Always proud of his origins in Limerick, he made many returns to his native country for television and radio projects. His rise to the top of radio listenership in the United Kingdom was a great tribute to his breadth of knowledge and in particular his unique, very personal sense of humour."
Sir Terry made his BBC debut on the Light Programme, now Radio 2, and in 1969 was asked to stand in for Jimmy Young on the mid-morning show, which led to a regular afternoon slot.
He took over the breakfast show on Radio 2 in 1972 and was an immediate hit.
Sir Terry first covered Eurovision for television in 1973 and from 1980 to 2008, he provided the commentary every year for the BBC.
His chat show, Wogan, ran from 1982 to 1992, eventually being broadcast three times a week. During that time, he also hosted quiz show Blankety Blank.
Sir Terry anchored the Children in Need appeal from when it was first broadcast in 1980 and continued to host it after retiring from regular broadcasting.
Stevie Spring, chairman of Children in Need, said: "Most people know him as the face of Children in Need, but he's the heart of the charity and has been for 35 years."
In 1992 he returned to the Radio 2 breakfast show, after a break of nine years. He announced his retirement in September 2009, making his final regular appearance three months later.
From February 2010, he hosted a live show on Sunday mornings for the radio station.
Sir Terry was last on air on Radio 2 on 8 November 2015.
"He passed away surrounded by his family. While we understand he will be missed by many, the family ask that their privacy is respected at this time."
BBC director general Tony Hall said: "Terry truly was a national treasure."
Sir Terry leaves wife Lady Helen and their three children. The couple also had a daughter who died in infancy.
Limerick-born Sir Terry had a 50-year career on television and radio, including presenting Wake up to Wogan on BBC Radio 2 and the Wogan chat show.
He was also the voice of Eurovision in the UK for many years and had been involved in the Children in Need appeal since it began.
BBC Radio 2 controller Bob Shennan said: "As the host of Wake up to Wogan, Terry established himself as one of the greatest and most popular radio hosts this country has ever heard.
"We were brightened by his wonderful personality and charm as he woke us up every weekday morning, becoming an essential and much-loved part of our lives.
"His millions of listeners adored him, as did his whole Radio 2 family. We will miss him enormously and our thoughts at this very sad time are with Helen and all the family."
Sir Terry originally went into banking after college before switching careers to join Ireland's national Radio Eireann as a newsreader and announcer.
He moved into light entertainment, as a DJ and host of TV quiz and variety shows in Ireland, before joining the BBC, where he would stay for the rest of his career.
He presented the breakfast show from 1972 to 1984, as The Terry Wogan Show, and then from 1993 to 2009 as Wake Up To Wogan.
He built up a firm fanbase, dubbing his audience the TOGs, or Terry's Old Geezers and Gals.
When he broadcast at breakfast for the final time, he told listeners: "The years together with you have not only been a pleasure but a privilege. You have allowed me to share your lives with you.
"When you tell me how important I have been in your lives it's very moving. You have been every bit as important in mine."
Lord Hall said: "Terry truly was a national treasure. Today we've lost a wonderful friend.
"He was a lovely, lovely man and our thoughts are with his wife and family. For 50 years Sir Terry graced our screens and airwaves. His warmth, wit and geniality meant that for millions he was a part of the family.
"Wake up to Wogan was for millions of Radio 2 listeners the very best way to start the day.
"For decades he's been such a huge part of the BBC on television and radio and leaves so many wonderful memories.
"At the centre of Children in Need since its beginning, he raised hundreds of millions of pounds and changed so many lives for the better. He leaves a remarkable legacy."
BBC Radio director Helen Boaden said: "Sir Terry was a radio legend. For decades, he gave great pleasure to radio listeners with his wit, warmth and inimitable humour.
"He was an extraordinary broadcaster but also incredibly good fun, and will be sorely missed."
Colleagues of Sir Terry from BBC Radio 2 have paid tribute to him.
Simon Mayo said: "I think people are shocked and stunned because of the fact that he was a radio genius.
"The staple of all great radio is the friend behind the microphone - and he was the ultimate friend behind the microphone."
Ken Bruce said: "The voice which has been with us all our lives, in many cases, is no longer there... He was part of the fabric of our lives in so many ways."
He added that Sir Terry "lifted the whole of entertainment for the BBC and for the whole of this country, just by his presence".
The Irish charm, the gentle humour, the ability to make his audiences feel part of a club - Sir Terry Wogan hosted the Radio 2 Breakfast Show over a span of 37 years and he believed his success was due to keeping things simple.
In an era before email and social media, he made listeners' correspondence absolutely central to the show.
Some days almost his whole script would be provided by letters from his adoring fans - called TOGs - who knew all of the in-jokes.
On TV there was Come Dancing, Blankety Blank, the annual Children In Need Broadcast and the Wogan chat show, which featured famous appearances by an inebriated George Best and David Icke announcing he was the Son of God.
And until 2008 he also provided gently mocking commentary for the Eurovision Song Contest.
But radio was his first love. And that's why in 2009 when he left the Radio 2 breakfast show, his goodbye was so heartfelt.
Jeremy Vine said: "He was probably the greatest broadcaster since the invention of the microphone.
"He lived for the red light and the sense that there was a listener at the end of the microphone. He only ever spoke to one person, because the greatest radio is intimate."
Graham Norton, who took over as Eurovision commentator from Sir Terry, said on Twitter: "He made it seem effortless and for a young boy in Ireland he made it seem possible. RIP Sir Terry Wogan."
Current breakfast show host Chris Evans wrote: "We are all so terribly sad upon hearing of the passing of Terry. I can't put into words how the whole Radio 2 family is feeling."
Tony Blackburn said: "I can hardly believe my old friend Sir Terry Wogan has died. RIP Terry and thanks for being a friend."
Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on Twitter: "My thoughts are with Terry Wogan's family. Britain has lost a huge talent - someone millions came to feel was their own special friend.
"I grew up listening to him on the radio and watching him on TV. His charm and wit always made me smile."
President of Ireland Michael D Higgins said Sir Terry was "one of the great figures of broadcasting".
He said: "His was a distinguished contribution to television and in particular to the medium of radio.
"People in Ireland will remember his early career in Irish broadcasting. On his move to Britain his voice became one of the most often quoted, favourite radio voices.
"Always proud of his origins in Limerick, he made many returns to his native country for television and radio projects. His rise to the top of radio listenership in the United Kingdom was a great tribute to his breadth of knowledge and in particular his unique, very personal sense of humour."
Sir Terry made his BBC debut on the Light Programme, now Radio 2, and in 1969 was asked to stand in for Jimmy Young on the mid-morning show, which led to a regular afternoon slot.
He took over the breakfast show on Radio 2 in 1972 and was an immediate hit.
Sir Terry first covered Eurovision for television in 1973 and from 1980 to 2008, he provided the commentary every year for the BBC.
His chat show, Wogan, ran from 1982 to 1992, eventually being broadcast three times a week. During that time, he also hosted quiz show Blankety Blank.
Sir Terry anchored the Children in Need appeal from when it was first broadcast in 1980 and continued to host it after retiring from regular broadcasting.
Stevie Spring, chairman of Children in Need, said: "Most people know him as the face of Children in Need, but he's the heart of the charity and has been for 35 years."
In 1992 he returned to the Radio 2 breakfast show, after a break of nine years. He announced his retirement in September 2009, making his final regular appearance three months later.
From February 2010, he hosted a live show on Sunday mornings for the radio station.
Sir Terry was last on air on Radio 2 on 8 November 2015.
Sergei Kovalev - Jean Pascal : Full video battle
Duel in Montreal ended with a victory of Russians technical decision of a judge after the seventh round , after the team of Pascal asked to stop the fight . Recall that in March last year, the boxers have met in the ring, and when Kovalev won by TKO . For 32- year old Russian , this victory was the 29th in the professional ring with one draw and 33 -year-old Canadian suffered a fourth defeat at 30 victories and one draw .
Сергей Ковалев - Жан Паскаль: Полное видео боя
Чемпион мира по версиям WBA (Super), WBO и IBF, россиянин Сергей Ковалев в матче-реванше вновь победил канадца Жана Паскаля. Смотри видео боя.
Поединок в Монреале закончился победой россиянина техническим решением судьи после седьмого раунда, после того как команда Паскаля попросила остановить бой.
Напомним, что в марте прошлого года боксеры уже встречались на ринге, и тогда Ковалев выиграл техническим нокаутом.
Для 32-летнего россиянина эта победа стала 29-й на профессиональном ринге при одной ничьей, а 33-летний канадец потерпел четвертое поражение при 30 победах и одной ничьей
Поединок в Монреале закончился победой россиянина техническим решением судьи после седьмого раунда, после того как команда Паскаля попросила остановить бой.
Напомним, что в марте прошлого года боксеры уже встречались на ринге, и тогда Ковалев выиграл техническим нокаутом.
Для 32-летнего россиянина эта победа стала 29-й на профессиональном ринге при одной ничьей, а 33-летний канадец потерпел четвертое поражение при 30 победах и одной ничьей
Пунта Galea вызов становится частью BWT
Это официально : Всемирный Surf лиги ( WSL ) возвращает ставку на большой волне Пунта Galea провести свой европейский одного теста в престижном выключателя World Circuit , Большая волна Тур BWT Пунта Galea Пионер в чемпионате штата Пунта Galea является серфинг конкурс традиционной академической гребле , принимая участие в 24 международных райдеров экспертов в больших волн . Конкурс проходит в один день , в период ожидания был создан с 15 октября 2015 и 28 февраля 2016 ( период наибольшего волны) , выбирая лучший день прогноз погоды для этого развития теста . То есть, волны минимальным размером примерно от 20 до 25 футов ( 7,6 м) и легких ветров .
Большая Волна Тур BWT является частью команды профессионалов WsL соревнованиях, так что лучшие серферы в мире эксклюзивный профессиональный схема ДАП Джокер предложение или приглашение к участию в ЛОВ испытаний, в том числе Пунта Galea. Глобальный выключатель состоит из 8 тестов и делится на два этапа, в южном полушарии и в Северном полушарии. На первом этапе, только провел испытание Чили, который был чемпионом Гавайский Макуа Ротман, действующий чемпион мира BWT [подробнее здесь] и занявший второе место в прошлом году [см] здесь Пунта Galea Challenge. Getxo относится ко второй стадии, в качестве доказательства Орегон (США), Peahi на Гавайях и Todos Santos (Мексика). jamie_mitchell.jpgThe ridersAmong в 24 крупных tamañeros всадники или серферов, которые составляют университетский городок BWT, я стою серферов резьба Twiggy` Южноафриканский Грант Бейкер, чемпион мира в 2013 году, калифорнийская Кен Коллинз, номинирован пять раз на приз XXL, Грег Лонг , считается лучшим большой волны серфер в мире и самым титулованным в XXL Awards, то Ротман владельцем или царящая в Galea, Nic Агнца. Natxo Фернандес, Давид Бустаманте, Джон Гарай, Адриан Фернандес Vaderrama, Aritza Saratxaga и Индар Unanue: 6 Они басков подстановочные большие экспертов волн, присоединится уже подтвердили. Выбор этих всадников, проводится местными серферов, ЧФ (Bizkaiko Surf Federazioa), ГСМ (Gipuzkoako Surf Federazioa) и GST (Surf Taldea Getxo), была сделана официальная сегодня в штаб-квартире WSL в Калифорнии. К этому списку следует добавить участие plentziarra Natxo Гонсалес в 12 лучших рейтинга благодаря более чем блестящей роли в Getxo прошлого года.10-е издание Это новое издание также десятый, поэтому оргкомитет планирует разработками в случае , чем консолидирован, мышление болельщиков и 12000 зрителей , которые каждый год приезжают в захватывающий скалы 60 м La Galea наслаждаться этой уникальной мероприятие гигантских волн . Обратите внимание, что это спортивное событие скудные 4 часа , в прямом эфире США и Бразилии телевидения , следует на 5 миллионов зрителей . Между тем, 1,8 млн последовал онлайн в прошлом году. В 2014 году призовой фонд составил $ 75,000 событие , учитывая отмена тестов Чили и Южной Африке . Он подчеркнул, устройство безопасности и оперативного развертывания оценивается на уровне или в этом году топ- 12 гидроциклы , лодки , пять спасатели и скорая помощь на берегу. Все готово для нового издания , в ожидании большой волны ...
Большая Волна Тур BWT является частью команды профессионалов WsL соревнованиях, так что лучшие серферы в мире эксклюзивный профессиональный схема ДАП Джокер предложение или приглашение к участию в ЛОВ испытаний, в том числе Пунта Galea. Глобальный выключатель состоит из 8 тестов и делится на два этапа, в южном полушарии и в Северном полушарии. На первом этапе, только провел испытание Чили, который был чемпионом Гавайский Макуа Ротман, действующий чемпион мира BWT [подробнее здесь] и занявший второе место в прошлом году [см] здесь Пунта Galea Challenge. Getxo относится ко второй стадии, в качестве доказательства Орегон (США), Peahi на Гавайях и Todos Santos (Мексика). jamie_mitchell.jpgThe ridersAmong в 24 крупных tamañeros всадники или серферов, которые составляют университетский городок BWT, я стою серферов резьба Twiggy` Южноафриканский Грант Бейкер, чемпион мира в 2013 году, калифорнийская Кен Коллинз, номинирован пять раз на приз XXL, Грег Лонг , считается лучшим большой волны серфер в мире и самым титулованным в XXL Awards, то Ротман владельцем или царящая в Galea, Nic Агнца. Natxo Фернандес, Давид Бустаманте, Джон Гарай, Адриан Фернандес Vaderrama, Aritza Saratxaga и Индар Unanue: 6 Они басков подстановочные большие экспертов волн, присоединится уже подтвердили. Выбор этих всадников, проводится местными серферов, ЧФ (Bizkaiko Surf Federazioa), ГСМ (Gipuzkoako Surf Federazioa) и GST (Surf Taldea Getxo), была сделана официальная сегодня в штаб-квартире WSL в Калифорнии. К этому списку следует добавить участие plentziarra Natxo Гонсалес в 12 лучших рейтинга благодаря более чем блестящей роли в Getxo прошлого года.10-е издание Это новое издание также десятый, поэтому оргкомитет планирует разработками в случае , чем консолидирован, мышление болельщиков и 12000 зрителей , которые каждый год приезжают в захватывающий скалы 60 м La Galea наслаждаться этой уникальной мероприятие гигантских волн . Обратите внимание, что это спортивное событие скудные 4 часа , в прямом эфире США и Бразилии телевидения , следует на 5 миллионов зрителей . Между тем, 1,8 млн последовал онлайн в прошлом году. В 2014 году призовой фонд составил $ 75,000 событие , учитывая отмена тестов Чили и Южной Африке . Он подчеркнул, устройство безопасности и оперативного развертывания оценивается на уровне или в этом году топ- 12 гидроциклы , лодки , пять спасатели и скорая помощь на берегу. Все готово для нового издания , в ожидании большой волны ...
The Punta Galea Challenge becomes part of BWT
It's official : the World Surf League ( WSL ) returns to bet on the big wave of Punta Galea to host its European single test within the prestigious world circuit breaker , Big Wave Tour BWT The Punta Galea Pioneer in the state championship Punta Galea is a surfing competition of traditional rowing , taking part in 24 international experts riders in large waves . The competition takes place in a single day , in a waiting period has been established between 15 October 2015 and 28 February 2016 ( period of greatest wave ) , choosing the best day weather forecasts for this the development of the test. That is, waves of a minimum size of about 20 to 25 feet ( 7.6 meters ) and light winds.
The Big Wave Tour The BWT is part of team of professionals WSL competitions , so the best surfers in the world exclusive professional circuit WCT wildcard offer or invitation to participate in the BWT tests, including Punta Galea. The global circuit breaker consists of 8 tests and is divided into two stages, the south hemisphere and the northern hemisphere. In the first stage, only it has held the test of Chile , which was champion Hawaiian Makua Rothman, current world champion BWT [more info here ] and runner-up last year [see here] Punta Galea Challenge. The Getxo belongs to the second stage , as evidence of Oregon (USA ) , Peahi in Hawaii and Todos Santos ( Mexico ) . jamie_mitchell.jpgThe ridersAmong the 24 big tamañeros riders or surfers that make up the campus of BWT, I stand surfers carving Twiggy` South African Grant Baker, world champion in 2013, the Californian Ken Collins, nominated five times for the prize XXL, Greg Long, considered the best big wave surfer in the world and the most decorated in the XXL Awards, the Rothman own or reigning in Galea, Nic Lamb. Natxo Fernandez, David Bustamante, Jon Garai, Adrian Fernandez of Vaderrama, Aritza Saratxaga and Indar Unanue: 6 They Basques wildcards big wave experts, will join already confirmed. The choice of these riders, conducted by local surfers, BSF (Bizkaiko Surf Federazioa), GSF (Gipuzkoako Surf Federazioa) and GST (Surf Taldea Getxo), has been made official today at the headquarters of WSL in California. To this list must be added the participation of plentziarra Natxo Gonzalez in the top 12 ranking thanks to a more than brilliant role in Getxo last year.
10th edition This new edition is also the tenth , so the organizing committee plans to incorporate developments in an event rather than consolidated , thinking of the fans and the 12,000 spectators who every year come to the spectacular cliff 60 m high La Galea to enjoy this unique event of giant waves. Note that this sporting event meager 4 hours, broadcast live by US and Brazilian television , is followed by 5 million viewers . Meanwhile, 1.8 million followed online last year. In 2014 the prize money totaled $ 75,000 event , given the cancellation of tests Chile and South Africa. He highlighted the safety device and operational deployment is estimated at or
this year's top 12 jet skis, five boats , lifeguards and ambulance ashore. All ready for a new edition , awaiting the big wave ...
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Liverpool 0-0 West Ham United
The Hammers had early chances but an unmarked Enner Valencia misjudged a header and Pedro Obiang volleyed wide.
Randolph twice blocked powerful Joao Teixeira efforts and also saved shots from Cameron Brannagan, Joe Allen and Christian Benteke.
But neither side could score and they will meet again in a replay in London.
Relive Liverpool's draw with West Ham as it happened.
The worst possible result for Liverpool?
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp played a youthful side in the third-round match and subsequent replay against Exeter, but included a mixture of first-team players and youngsters for the visit of the Hammers.
Goalkeeper Simon Mignolet, 27, was the oldest player in the Reds' starting line-up, which also included four players - Brad Smith, Cameron Brannagan, Kevin Stewart and Joao Teixeira - who had never started a Premier League match.
This was the ninth game that Liverpool had played in January, and they desperately did not want another match, but that is exactly what they got.
It means their schedule in February will now include at least seven matches, including the League Cup final, two Europa League matches, three Premier League games and one, maybe two, FA Cup ties.
Nevertheless, Klopp will feel his side should have won. A poor touch when only six yards out to waste a chance summed up another ineffective performance from an out-of-form Christian Benteke.
Liverpool were the better team in the second half and created numerous chances, but stand-in captain Allen shot harmlessly over, and Brannagan, Teixeira and Benteke had shots saved by Randolph.
How did Liverpool's youngsters do?
Generally, they were very impressive. Brannagan, 19, who consistently impressed with his set-piece delivery, nearly opened the scoring with a powerful shot from 20 yards out, but goalkeeper Randolph did well to push the ball around the post.
Brad Smith, 21, produced an energetic performance at left-back, often getting forward to help his side's attacks, while handling the threat from the quick Victor Moses with maturity.
Kevin Stewart, 22, a tough-tackling central midfielder, worked hard, making six tackles and two interceptions, and 23-year-old Joao Teixeira, playing on the left side of Liverpool's front three, was twice denied by a diving Randolph.
A wasted opportunity for West Ham?
Three-time winners West Ham were aiming to reach the fifth round of the FA Cup for the fourth time in the last eight seasons - and will have been buoyed when they saw the Liverpool line-up.
They themselves made five changes, although fielded a team rich in Premier League experience apart from Randolph, who played because regular goalkeeper Adrian was back in his native Spain for family reasons.
Yet the Hammers could not take full advantage. They kept trying to utilise Victor Moses' pace against Brad Smith down the right wing, but the defender often came out on top before Moses was withdrawn midway through the second half.
Slaven Bilic will argue that West Ham should have had a penalty, when Steven Caulker appeared to handle in the penalty area, but the Hammers took 50 minutes to have their solitary shot on target.
What the managers said
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp said: "We had the bigger chances, but now we have to play again. West Ham have good quality in their team and play well in the league. We tried everything - you need a bit of luck.
"I was pleased with the whole team. Steven Caulker played for the first time in his position in defence and did well, but I cannot fault anyone, they tried and gave all. We played much better than we did at West Ham [in the league], but we didn't score so it is not over.
"The players we changed had the day off today so hopefully nothing happened to them."
West Ham boss Slaven Bilic said: "They had a few moments, we had a few moments. They were better in the second half - they could run more and were better at winning the second balls so it is a great result for us.
"We lacked that kind of quality we normally have in the last third of the pitch, so overall I am happy with the result.
"When you make two subs in the first half your hands are tied in the second half. It limited our options and we had to wait to make a third substitution. Kouyate should be OK for Tuesday hopefully."
Asked if they should have had a penalty for a Steven Caulker handball, Bilic said: "I didn't see the replays so I can't comment. I shouted a few times, they shouted a few times, the crowd shouted a few times, but that is part of the game."
The stats you need to know
Liverpool have now not lost in their last seven FA Cup meetings with the Hammers (won four, drew three).
The Hammers have won just one of their last nine FA Cup games away from home (drew two, lost six).
In all competitions, West Ham United have won just two of their last 11 away matches (won two, drew five, lost four).
Randolph twice blocked powerful Joao Teixeira efforts and also saved shots from Cameron Brannagan, Joe Allen and Christian Benteke.
But neither side could score and they will meet again in a replay in London.
Relive Liverpool's draw with West Ham as it happened.
The worst possible result for Liverpool?
Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp played a youthful side in the third-round match and subsequent replay against Exeter, but included a mixture of first-team players and youngsters for the visit of the Hammers.
Goalkeeper Simon Mignolet, 27, was the oldest player in the Reds' starting line-up, which also included four players - Brad Smith, Cameron Brannagan, Kevin Stewart and Joao Teixeira - who had never started a Premier League match.
This was the ninth game that Liverpool had played in January, and they desperately did not want another match, but that is exactly what they got.
It means their schedule in February will now include at least seven matches, including the League Cup final, two Europa League matches, three Premier League games and one, maybe two, FA Cup ties.
Nevertheless, Klopp will feel his side should have won. A poor touch when only six yards out to waste a chance summed up another ineffective performance from an out-of-form Christian Benteke.
Liverpool were the better team in the second half and created numerous chances, but stand-in captain Allen shot harmlessly over, and Brannagan, Teixeira and Benteke had shots saved by Randolph.
How did Liverpool's youngsters do?
Generally, they were very impressive. Brannagan, 19, who consistently impressed with his set-piece delivery, nearly opened the scoring with a powerful shot from 20 yards out, but goalkeeper Randolph did well to push the ball around the post.
Brad Smith, 21, produced an energetic performance at left-back, often getting forward to help his side's attacks, while handling the threat from the quick Victor Moses with maturity.
Kevin Stewart, 22, a tough-tackling central midfielder, worked hard, making six tackles and two interceptions, and 23-year-old Joao Teixeira, playing on the left side of Liverpool's front three, was twice denied by a diving Randolph.
A wasted opportunity for West Ham?
Three-time winners West Ham were aiming to reach the fifth round of the FA Cup for the fourth time in the last eight seasons - and will have been buoyed when they saw the Liverpool line-up.
They themselves made five changes, although fielded a team rich in Premier League experience apart from Randolph, who played because regular goalkeeper Adrian was back in his native Spain for family reasons.
Yet the Hammers could not take full advantage. They kept trying to utilise Victor Moses' pace against Brad Smith down the right wing, but the defender often came out on top before Moses was withdrawn midway through the second half.
Slaven Bilic will argue that West Ham should have had a penalty, when Steven Caulker appeared to handle in the penalty area, but the Hammers took 50 minutes to have their solitary shot on target.
What the managers said
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp said: "We had the bigger chances, but now we have to play again. West Ham have good quality in their team and play well in the league. We tried everything - you need a bit of luck.
"I was pleased with the whole team. Steven Caulker played for the first time in his position in defence and did well, but I cannot fault anyone, they tried and gave all. We played much better than we did at West Ham [in the league], but we didn't score so it is not over.
"The players we changed had the day off today so hopefully nothing happened to them."
West Ham boss Slaven Bilic said: "They had a few moments, we had a few moments. They were better in the second half - they could run more and were better at winning the second balls so it is a great result for us.
"We lacked that kind of quality we normally have in the last third of the pitch, so overall I am happy with the result.
"When you make two subs in the first half your hands are tied in the second half. It limited our options and we had to wait to make a third substitution. Kouyate should be OK for Tuesday hopefully."
Asked if they should have had a penalty for a Steven Caulker handball, Bilic said: "I didn't see the replays so I can't comment. I shouted a few times, they shouted a few times, the crowd shouted a few times, but that is part of the game."
The stats you need to know
Liverpool have now not lost in their last seven FA Cup meetings with the Hammers (won four, drew three).
The Hammers have won just one of their last nine FA Cup games away from home (drew two, lost six).
In all competitions, West Ham United have won just two of their last 11 away matches (won two, drew five, lost four).
Can Kevin Simm WIN The Voice? Former Liberty X singer puts the coaches in a spin
Boy George and Paloma Faith fight over the former Liberty X singer
The Voice contestant Kevin Simm wowed all four coaches with a stunning rendition of Chandelier by Sia.The Chorley-born singer auditioned before the all-star panel of will.i.am, Boy George, Paloma Faith and Ricky Wilson.
In the battle to land the ex-member of Liberty X, an explosive on-air argument erupted between Faith and Boy George.
The Culture Club singer reportedly made her cry after she pretended to fall asleep during his pitch for the one-time pop heartthrob.
An irritated Boy George snapped, "Excuse me, Palaver!" He then admonished his fellow panellist.
"That's extremely rude. Very rude," the 54-year-old said. "Anyway, you're amazing," he told Simm.
Wilson added: "It's just obvious when you hear a voice of that quality singing, you have to turn around."
Faith told the 35-year-old he was "phenomenal" and will.i.am said he just "wanted to listen" to him sing.
Simm ended up on Faith's team, despite Boy George pointing to her lack of success in America compared with his achievements.
Due to the harsh words exchanged, a source said BBC bosses had to tone down the episode to make it more family friendly.
Alongside Michelle Heaton, Tony Lundon, Jessica Taylor and Kelli Young, Simm failed to make it into Popstars winning group Hear'Say, whose members included Myleene Klass and a pre-Coronation Street Kym Marsh.
Liberty X's Just A Little won a Brit award for best British single in 2003.
They enjoyed several more hits before calling it a day in 2007, but the band out-lasted Hear'Say, who had split in 2002.
Earlier in the show, Faith struck gold with student Aliesha Lobuczek.
The 17-year-old's rendition of Break Free by Ariana Grande had also amazed Wilson and Boy George.
Contestant Alaric Green graduated from the London School of Musical Theatre and toured Europe with The 12 Tenors.
The 21-year-old bouncer, who lost nine and a half stones in two years, auditioned to Broken Vow by Josh Groban.
Wilson and will.i.am's chairs turned, but the American later admitted he had accidentally hit the buzzer so it was no surprise when Green chose the Yorkshireman
Faheem, from Bradford, impressed both will.i.am and the Kaiser Chiefs frontman with his version of Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth featuring Meghan Trainor.
The 21-year-old had barely started his audition when will.i.am's chair turned. Wilson knew he would struggle to land the Bradford-born singer, and his instinct turned out to be correct.
Auditioner J Sealy, 43, lost the hearing in his left ear last year and was bedridden for a few months.
The part-time personal trainer's version of The First Cut Is The Deepest was enough to secure his place on Boy George's team.
Voiceover artist Steve Devereaux plays Howie in CBeebies show Chuggington.
The 60-year-old impressed Faith when he took on Frank Sinatra's The Lady Is A Tramp. "I've found my father figure!" she cried.
A nervous rendition of the late David Bowie's Life On Mars by pop wannabe Heather Cameron-Hayes did not deter Boy George and Wilson.
"I'm always pleased when I hear someone really young singing a Bowie song," Boy George said as the 16-year-old decided to join his team.
At the end of the fourth week, will.i.am, Faith and Boy George have seven acts in total, while Wilson has six.
The Voice continues on BBC One next week.
National Lottery results and numbers: all the news from tonight's £20.9m Lotto jackpot draw
Find out the winning numbers from Saturday's Lotto draw, plus the Millionaire Raffle and Thunderball
That's your lotto
Hope your numbers are up. If not, you can look forward to next week, when the special guest on the telly will be vocalist and yer grandma's fave Ronan Keating. It'll be his sixth national lottery appearance but his first on a Saturday (joke).
We'll update later with details of any winners. But you probably know what you need to know already. Better luck next time, eh.
Thunderball draw!
Here we go then ... Excalibur II is shaking the balls, and here are the numbers:
30, 1, 38, 31, 32 .. and the thunderball itself: 6
Revival night
In another TV-eats-itself moment, actor Eric Richard - famously and brilliantly Bob Cryer from The Bill - has been on tonight's Casualty. Not sure in what capacity (the sound's off), but he isn't looking well.
Not long to go now, Lotto fans.
Down to business
You are the lone winning ticket holder for tonight's £20.9m jackpot.
What you could win tonight
Tonight's rollover Lotto jackpot stands at a chunky £20.9 million thanks to there having been no winner on Wednesday. With that sort of cash you could fund a revival of Stars In Their Eyes in what would be another hammer blow to BBC One's Saturday schedule (when there's no Strictly or Doctor Who).
Tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be ME!
BBC One viewers - as if The Voice UK and Casualty weren't enough for them - are in for a treat when the draw is made at 10 o'clock tonight: not only is Gaby Roslin hosting, but "actor Matthew Kelly is the special guest pushing the Lotto button".
They do mean THAT Matthew Kelly, right? It's like all your Saturday night TV dreams, and your Christmases and birthdays, have come at once.
You've blown it / You're in with a chance
That's it. Half-past seven has been and gone, and yet again you've failed to buy a damn ticket. How can you seriously expect to win the lottery if you continually fail to enter? You know: "in it to win it" and all that.
Then again, your other half/neighbour/old school pal on Facebook has got a ticket. In which case, stand by to stake your claim on their winnings. But you'd better have some sweet, sweet talk
Hurry up!
Londis is still open, there's a queue, but it's only a couple of people. Leg it down there and shout the words "LUCKY DIP". Then hand over your two quid and whatever you have spare for the alcohol to soothe the inevitable crushing disappointment that you have not won tonight's £20.9m jackpot.
Instead, it's these two London office workers, who have clubbed together on tickets for years, but out of nowhere have suddenly landed the big one. They can't believe their luck!!!
Tickets at the ready
The balls have been selected, the giant tombola is whirling, and Noel Edmonds and Anthea Turner are gargling backstage here at BBC Television centre in Shepherd's Bush!
No, hang on, that was 1994. But none the less, the National Lottery draw is about to take place. Stand by for news!
What time is Saturday's lotto draw and how can I watch it?
Saturday's draw show, broadcast on BBC One, is when the Lotto and Thunderball numbers are drawn.
The show is broadcast from 7.30pm every Saturday.
You can watch the National Lottery live on BBC iPlayer or here on YouTube. You can also watch it on catch-up. There will also be a results update on BBC One at 10:35pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights.
What's the jackpot prize for Saturday's Lotto draw?
This week's top prize is £20.9m after Wednesday's draw produced no jackpot winner. It's another rollover!
There is also one guaranteed raffle millionaire and 20 raffle winners of £20,000.
How can I play the Lottery?
Buy a lotto ticket online from the official website - or download the app for Apple or Android.
Select your six numbers from 1-59, or play by Lucky Dip
Every time you play you will automatically be given a randomly-generated Millionaire Raffle entry. The raffle will take place on the day of the lotto draw you have entered.
Raffle entries start with a four letter colour which is followed by eight numbers. 21 raffle tickets are selected with one main prize of £1m and 20 £20,000 prizes.
Lotto can be played online everyday from 8am to 11pm. On the day of the lotto draw, ticket sales close at 7.30pm.
Players must be 16 or over and physically located in the UK or Isle of Man.
The winning numbers in the Wednesday night Lotto draw were...
The Thunderball winning numbers were...
The top prize was £500,000
The Millionaire Raffle result was...
RUBY 58148509
What were last Tuesday's (Jan 26th) Euromillions numbers?
...and Saturday's (Jan 23rd) winning Lotto numbers?
How many times can there be a UK lottery rollover?
David and Carol Martin a husband and wife from Hawick in the Scottish Borders, celebrate at the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club in Edinburgh after winning half of the historic £66 million Lotto jackpot
David and Carol Martin, from Hawick in the Scottish Borders, celebrate after winning half of the historic £66 million Lotto jackpot Photo: PA
Camelot rules introduced in October say: “The Lotto jackpot can rollover over until it reaches or exceeds £50million.
“If it isn’t won when it reaches or exceeds this amount, the entire jackpot will roll to the next Lotto draw and must be won in that draw.”
The most frequent Lotto numbers
What are the odds of winning the lottery?
Since Camelot introduced 10 additional lottery balls have lengthened the odds of winning the draw from 1 in 14 million to 1 in 45 million.
Lotto prizes
The National Lottery has so far given away over £55billion in prizes and created more than 4,000 millionaires or multi-millionaires since its launch in 1994.
An estimated £34 million is raised every week for life-changing projects.
What do lottery winners do with their new-found wealth?
Colin and Chris Weir: 'It is time for all sides to stop the smears and personal attacks'
Colin and Chris Weir Photo: ANDREW MILLIGAN/PA
The record jackpot won on January 9 was £66million, it has been shared between two ticket holders (only one has successfully claimed the prize so far).
David and Carol Martin from Hawick in the Scottish Borders rushed out to spend £5 on six champagne glasses after scooping £33 million in Saturday’s record rollover.
The largest prize ever won on a single Lotto line was £22.5million banked by work colleagues Mark Gardiner and Paul Maddison from Hastings in 1995.
The biggest ever individual Lotto winner is Iris Jeffrey from Belfast who won £20.1m in 2004.
Colin and Chris Weir from Largs, North Ayrshire, who banked £161million in a Euromillions jackpot in 2011, are the biggest British winners ever.
Quotes from previous Lotto winners
Luckiest Lotto names
If your name is John or Margaret you may have reason to feel slightly luckier than usual.
More lotto millionaires have been created with those names than any other. Similarly, most winners have tended to work in construction, administration or management.
Taxi drivers, lorry-drivers shop assistants and chefs, also tend to do well, though it is most likely because they play more than the less fortunate bankers, politicians and estate agents.
Luckiest Lotto places
10. Romford
9. Sunderland
8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne
7. Liverpool
6. Enfield
5. Warrington
4. Bromley
3. Wolverhampton
2. Dartford
1. Dundee do you do first?
That's your lotto
Hope your numbers are up. If not, you can look forward to next week, when the special guest on the telly will be vocalist and yer grandma's fave Ronan Keating. It'll be his sixth national lottery appearance but his first on a Saturday (joke).
We'll update later with details of any winners. But you probably know what you need to know already. Better luck next time, eh.
Thunderball draw!
Here we go then ... Excalibur II is shaking the balls, and here are the numbers:
30, 1, 38, 31, 32 .. and the thunderball itself: 6
Revival night
In another TV-eats-itself moment, actor Eric Richard - famously and brilliantly Bob Cryer from The Bill - has been on tonight's Casualty. Not sure in what capacity (the sound's off), but he isn't looking well.
Not long to go now, Lotto fans.
Down to business
You are the lone winning ticket holder for tonight's £20.9m jackpot.
What you could win tonight
Tonight's rollover Lotto jackpot stands at a chunky £20.9 million thanks to there having been no winner on Wednesday. With that sort of cash you could fund a revival of Stars In Their Eyes in what would be another hammer blow to BBC One's Saturday schedule (when there's no Strictly or Doctor Who).
Tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be ME!
BBC One viewers - as if The Voice UK and Casualty weren't enough for them - are in for a treat when the draw is made at 10 o'clock tonight: not only is Gaby Roslin hosting, but "actor Matthew Kelly is the special guest pushing the Lotto button".
They do mean THAT Matthew Kelly, right? It's like all your Saturday night TV dreams, and your Christmases and birthdays, have come at once.
You've blown it / You're in with a chance
That's it. Half-past seven has been and gone, and yet again you've failed to buy a damn ticket. How can you seriously expect to win the lottery if you continually fail to enter? You know: "in it to win it" and all that.
Then again, your other half/neighbour/old school pal on Facebook has got a ticket. In which case, stand by to stake your claim on their winnings. But you'd better have some sweet, sweet talk
Hurry up!
Londis is still open, there's a queue, but it's only a couple of people. Leg it down there and shout the words "LUCKY DIP". Then hand over your two quid and whatever you have spare for the alcohol to soothe the inevitable crushing disappointment that you have not won tonight's £20.9m jackpot.
Instead, it's these two London office workers, who have clubbed together on tickets for years, but out of nowhere have suddenly landed the big one. They can't believe their luck!!!
Tickets at the ready
The balls have been selected, the giant tombola is whirling, and Noel Edmonds and Anthea Turner are gargling backstage here at BBC Television centre in Shepherd's Bush!
No, hang on, that was 1994. But none the less, the National Lottery draw is about to take place. Stand by for news!
What time is Saturday's lotto draw and how can I watch it?
Saturday's draw show, broadcast on BBC One, is when the Lotto and Thunderball numbers are drawn.
The show is broadcast from 7.30pm every Saturday.
You can watch the National Lottery live on BBC iPlayer or here on YouTube. You can also watch it on catch-up. There will also be a results update on BBC One at 10:35pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights.
What's the jackpot prize for Saturday's Lotto draw?
This week's top prize is £20.9m after Wednesday's draw produced no jackpot winner. It's another rollover!
There is also one guaranteed raffle millionaire and 20 raffle winners of £20,000.
How can I play the Lottery?
Buy a lotto ticket online from the official website - or download the app for Apple or Android.
Select your six numbers from 1-59, or play by Lucky Dip
Every time you play you will automatically be given a randomly-generated Millionaire Raffle entry. The raffle will take place on the day of the lotto draw you have entered.
Raffle entries start with a four letter colour which is followed by eight numbers. 21 raffle tickets are selected with one main prize of £1m and 20 £20,000 prizes.
Lotto can be played online everyday from 8am to 11pm. On the day of the lotto draw, ticket sales close at 7.30pm.
Players must be 16 or over and physically located in the UK or Isle of Man.
The winning numbers in the Wednesday night Lotto draw were...
The Thunderball winning numbers were...
The top prize was £500,000
The Millionaire Raffle result was...
RUBY 58148509
What were last Tuesday's (Jan 26th) Euromillions numbers?
...and Saturday's (Jan 23rd) winning Lotto numbers?
How many times can there be a UK lottery rollover?
David and Carol Martin a husband and wife from Hawick in the Scottish Borders, celebrate at the Dalmahoy Hotel & Country Club in Edinburgh after winning half of the historic £66 million Lotto jackpot
David and Carol Martin, from Hawick in the Scottish Borders, celebrate after winning half of the historic £66 million Lotto jackpot Photo: PA
Camelot rules introduced in October say: “The Lotto jackpot can rollover over until it reaches or exceeds £50million.
“If it isn’t won when it reaches or exceeds this amount, the entire jackpot will roll to the next Lotto draw and must be won in that draw.”
The most frequent Lotto numbers
What are the odds of winning the lottery?
Since Camelot introduced 10 additional lottery balls have lengthened the odds of winning the draw from 1 in 14 million to 1 in 45 million.
Lotto prizes
The National Lottery has so far given away over £55billion in prizes and created more than 4,000 millionaires or multi-millionaires since its launch in 1994.
An estimated £34 million is raised every week for life-changing projects.
What do lottery winners do with their new-found wealth?
Colin and Chris Weir: 'It is time for all sides to stop the smears and personal attacks'
Colin and Chris Weir Photo: ANDREW MILLIGAN/PA
The record jackpot won on January 9 was £66million, it has been shared between two ticket holders (only one has successfully claimed the prize so far).
David and Carol Martin from Hawick in the Scottish Borders rushed out to spend £5 on six champagne glasses after scooping £33 million in Saturday’s record rollover.
The largest prize ever won on a single Lotto line was £22.5million banked by work colleagues Mark Gardiner and Paul Maddison from Hastings in 1995.
The biggest ever individual Lotto winner is Iris Jeffrey from Belfast who won £20.1m in 2004.
Colin and Chris Weir from Largs, North Ayrshire, who banked £161million in a Euromillions jackpot in 2011, are the biggest British winners ever.
Quotes from previous Lotto winners
Luckiest Lotto names
If your name is John or Margaret you may have reason to feel slightly luckier than usual.
More lotto millionaires have been created with those names than any other. Similarly, most winners have tended to work in construction, administration or management.
Taxi drivers, lorry-drivers shop assistants and chefs, also tend to do well, though it is most likely because they play more than the less fortunate bankers, politicians and estate agents.
Luckiest Lotto places
10. Romford
9. Sunderland
8. Newcastle-upon-Tyne
7. Liverpool
6. Enfield
5. Warrington
4. Bromley
3. Wolverhampton
2. Dartford
1. Dundee do you do first?
Australian Open 2016: Angelique Kerber stuns Serena Williams to win title
It may not have been an upset in the same league as the U.S. Open but what happened at the Australian Open on Saturday perhaps wasn't far off.
Angelique Kerber stunned Serena Williams in a 6-4 3-6 6-4 thriller to open her grand slam account and deprive the American of a 22nd title at a major that would have tied Steffi Graf for the Open Era lead.
Just how rare is it for Williams to lose a grand slam final?
She had won her last eight and was 21-4 overall.
And after Kerber upset Williams in Cincinnati in 2012, the world No. 1 reeled off four consecutive victories against the German without conceding a set.
The result followed Williams' semifinal defeat to Roberta Vinci in New York in September, one of the biggest upsets of all time in tennis, and one can't help but ponder if nerves -- or the weight of expectation -- are now getting to the 34-year-old in the most pivotal matches.
"Every time I walk into this room, everyone expects me to win every single match," she told reporters in the main interview room. "As much as I would like to be a robot, I'm not. I try to.
"I do the best I can."
Her comment resembled Roger Federer's "I've created a monster" line after the Swiss suffered a rare, in those days, loss in the Australian Open semifinals in 2008 to Novak Djokovic. That "monster" was the pressure of having to keep on winning in the wake of repeatedly crushing his rivals.
"When you are a big favorite in a grand slam final, you are nervous," Williams' coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, told reporters. "If you are not, you are not normal, so she is."
But he added: "She's been much more nervous in other finals that she won. We just have to congratulate Angelique."
Maybe it was simply meant to be for the left-handed Kerber, who became the first German to win a grand slam since her idol Graf in 1999.
The seventh seed saved a match point in the first round against Misaki Doi, emulating Li Na, who escaped from match point down in the third round in 2014 before her title success.
"My phone is exploding right now," said Kerber, who will rise to second in the rankings. "I don't know how many messages I got. It's amazing."
One was from Graf, who additionally sent a text after Kerber's semifinal win over Johanna Konta.
"I think it's so good for Germany, for German tennis," said Kerber. "After Steffi now someone won a grand slam."
Kerber sunk to her knees when Williams erred on a forehand volley long on match point and soon was in tears to end an evening that was marked by the latter's plethora of unforced errors in the first set prior to turning into an absorbing two-hour affair.
"I was not playing very good last year in the big tournaments," said Kerber, bundled out in the first week at every major last year. "This is the first big tournament of the year and I won it, the first grand slam. It sounds crazy but I can say I'm a grand slam champion."
Twice in the gripping third set she produced breathtaking passes, striking a forehand down the line and another forehand crosscourt as rallies morphed into mini-marathons.
Given Williams' history, when she rallied from 5-2 down in the third to get to 4-5 and serving, how many picked Kerber to prevail? Yet she did, Williams giving Kerber a match point by missing a forehand into the net and then sending the comfortable looking volley long.
Kerber's sensational retrieving may have been a factor in the miscue but Williams had an abundance of space to place the volley and return to deuce.
Overall Williams committed 46 unforced errors.
"I was missing a lot off the ground, coming to the net," said Williams. "She kept hitting some great shots actually every time I came in."
Twenty-three alone came in the first, when the rallies weren't as long as in the third. Williams was misfiring early in points.
Kerber, meanwhile, did her thing on defense and mixed in attack when given the chance, a new-found strategy initiated in the off-season. She tallied 25 winners and made a miniscule 13 unforced errors.
"I think Angie deserved it today because she was fighting for every point," Kerber's coach, Torben Beltz, said as he sipped a glass of red wine. "Going forward and when she had a chance to be aggressive, playing aggressive and going for her big shots."
Beltz was almost in tears himself when he saw Kerber's name inscribed on the trophy.
"I'm feeling like great, emotional," he said. "Unbelievable match. Very emotional for me for sure."
An early Kerber break to start the final, then, on a pleasant evening in Melbourne foreshadowed what was to come.
She led 3-1 and 30-0 on the Williams serve.
A Williams charge, though, the kind she engineered last year when battling her way to the title at the French Open, seemed on the cards. From 15-30, a hefty serve prompted a "come on" and there was another "come on" followed by a fist pump when a forehand winner followed.
Williams broke for 3-3 and order appeared to be restored.
But the uncertainty in Williams' game ensued. She was not only off the mark, but erring by a yard long or yard wide. When another forehand went astray to fall behind 4-3, all she could do was offer an ironic smile to her box.
Unforced errors aren't always an indication of how a player is performing, but the first-set numbers in this case were reflective of Williams' lethargy.
Kerber's unexpected advantage masked the fact she wasn't serving well. Her first-serve percentage dipped and it was only down to Williams' charity that the 28-year-old was winning points on her inviting second serve.
Winning a set off Williams in a grand slam final is one thing -- it was the first set she lost this fortnight -- but finishing the job is another matter entirely.
Kerber subsequently waned. The aforementioned serve produced two double faults in the fourth game and the Bremen native paid the price to trail 3-1.
Williams was starting to tidy up her game and the second-set statistics proved it: 16 winners and a paltry five unforced errors.
She raised her arm in jubilation and her joy escalated when leading 2-0.
A hold for Kerber would have swung the odds in her favor but that didn't happen. Instead Williams broke for 1-2.
The to and fro ensued. Kerber brought the fans out of their seats again with a a cross-court forehand pass, exemplifying her tenacity.
"I think I kept picking the wrong shots coming into," the net, said Williams, who won less than half of her 32 points at the net.
Even when she lost a protracted rally at 3-2 -- Kerber ran 70 meters -- she was sending a message to Williams that she wasn't about to surrender.
Three break points for Kerber came and went in the enthralling sixth game, the third one erased with a backhand into the corner. But on game point, Kerber kept the game going with a deft drop shot, her first of the match.
The pattern continued. Another Kerber drop shot stopped Williams from drawing level. A double fault soon followed and on her fifth opportunity, Williams struck a forehand long to cap the mesmerizing 10-minute tussle.
Kerber held to love for 5-2 and was on the brink of victory at 30-all in the next game. Williams, however, hung on.
Presented with a chance to serve it out, Kerber authored a shaky error on the first point. But Williams stepped up her level, hitting two good returns, including one on a second break point to pull to 4-5.
Ultimately there would be no miraculous comeback as the serve that has gotten Williams out of trouble on so many occasions disappeared.
Williams' final serve numbers were sobering, seven aces and six double faults
"The serve was not there tonight and especially in the big games," said Mouratoglou.
The underdog triumphing could give Andy Murray hope in the men's final. He will play Djokovic, who now seeks a sixth Australian Open crown. The world No. 1 has already toppled Murray in three Australian Open finals and is coming off a resounding semifinal win over Federer.
The new partnership beat veterans Daniel Nestor of Canada and Radek Stepanek of the Czech Republic, another new pairing, 2-6 6-3 7-5 in a match that finished past midnight local time.
Andy, who could not watch the match from the stands through nerves, turned up at the trophy presentation.
But Saturday belonged to Kerber.
"The Australian public and everyone around the world fell in love with you tonight," said tournament director Craig Tiley after leading a toast to Kerber.
Angelique Kerber stunned Serena Williams in a 6-4 3-6 6-4 thriller to open her grand slam account and deprive the American of a 22nd title at a major that would have tied Steffi Graf for the Open Era lead.
Just how rare is it for Williams to lose a grand slam final?
She had won her last eight and was 21-4 overall.
And after Kerber upset Williams in Cincinnati in 2012, the world No. 1 reeled off four consecutive victories against the German without conceding a set.
The result followed Williams' semifinal defeat to Roberta Vinci in New York in September, one of the biggest upsets of all time in tennis, and one can't help but ponder if nerves -- or the weight of expectation -- are now getting to the 34-year-old in the most pivotal matches.
"Every time I walk into this room, everyone expects me to win every single match," she told reporters in the main interview room. "As much as I would like to be a robot, I'm not. I try to.
"I do the best I can."
Her comment resembled Roger Federer's "I've created a monster" line after the Swiss suffered a rare, in those days, loss in the Australian Open semifinals in 2008 to Novak Djokovic. That "monster" was the pressure of having to keep on winning in the wake of repeatedly crushing his rivals.
"When you are a big favorite in a grand slam final, you are nervous," Williams' coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, told reporters. "If you are not, you are not normal, so she is."
But he added: "She's been much more nervous in other finals that she won. We just have to congratulate Angelique."
Maybe it was simply meant to be for the left-handed Kerber, who became the first German to win a grand slam since her idol Graf in 1999.
The seventh seed saved a match point in the first round against Misaki Doi, emulating Li Na, who escaped from match point down in the third round in 2014 before her title success.
"My phone is exploding right now," said Kerber, who will rise to second in the rankings. "I don't know how many messages I got. It's amazing."
One was from Graf, who additionally sent a text after Kerber's semifinal win over Johanna Konta.
"I think it's so good for Germany, for German tennis," said Kerber. "After Steffi now someone won a grand slam."
Kerber sunk to her knees when Williams erred on a forehand volley long on match point and soon was in tears to end an evening that was marked by the latter's plethora of unforced errors in the first set prior to turning into an absorbing two-hour affair.
Defense over attack
Ultimately it was the counter-punching of Kerber, a late bloomer in tennis, that stifled the attack of Williams, the defending champion."I was not playing very good last year in the big tournaments," said Kerber, bundled out in the first week at every major last year. "This is the first big tournament of the year and I won it, the first grand slam. It sounds crazy but I can say I'm a grand slam champion."
Twice in the gripping third set she produced breathtaking passes, striking a forehand down the line and another forehand crosscourt as rallies morphed into mini-marathons.
Given Williams' history, when she rallied from 5-2 down in the third to get to 4-5 and serving, how many picked Kerber to prevail? Yet she did, Williams giving Kerber a match point by missing a forehand into the net and then sending the comfortable looking volley long.
Kerber's sensational retrieving may have been a factor in the miscue but Williams had an abundance of space to place the volley and return to deuce.
Overall Williams committed 46 unforced errors.
"I was missing a lot off the ground, coming to the net," said Williams. "She kept hitting some great shots actually every time I came in."
Twenty-three alone came in the first, when the rallies weren't as long as in the third. Williams was misfiring early in points.
Kerber, meanwhile, did her thing on defense and mixed in attack when given the chance, a new-found strategy initiated in the off-season. She tallied 25 winners and made a miniscule 13 unforced errors.
"I think Angie deserved it today because she was fighting for every point," Kerber's coach, Torben Beltz, said as he sipped a glass of red wine. "Going forward and when she had a chance to be aggressive, playing aggressive and going for her big shots."
Beltz was almost in tears himself when he saw Kerber's name inscribed on the trophy.
"I'm feeling like great, emotional," he said. "Unbelievable match. Very emotional for me for sure."
An early Kerber break to start the final, then, on a pleasant evening in Melbourne foreshadowed what was to come.
She led 3-1 and 30-0 on the Williams serve.
A Williams charge, though, the kind she engineered last year when battling her way to the title at the French Open, seemed on the cards. From 15-30, a hefty serve prompted a "come on" and there was another "come on" followed by a fist pump when a forehand winner followed.
Williams broke for 3-3 and order appeared to be restored.
But the uncertainty in Williams' game ensued. She was not only off the mark, but erring by a yard long or yard wide. When another forehand went astray to fall behind 4-3, all she could do was offer an ironic smile to her box.
Unforced errors aren't always an indication of how a player is performing, but the first-set numbers in this case were reflective of Williams' lethargy.
Kerber's unexpected advantage masked the fact she wasn't serving well. Her first-serve percentage dipped and it was only down to Williams' charity that the 28-year-old was winning points on her inviting second serve.
Winning a set off Williams in a grand slam final is one thing -- it was the first set she lost this fortnight -- but finishing the job is another matter entirely.
Kerber subsequently waned. The aforementioned serve produced two double faults in the fourth game and the Bremen native paid the price to trail 3-1.
Williams was starting to tidy up her game and the second-set statistics proved it: 16 winners and a paltry five unforced errors.
No comeback this time
The expected waltz for Williams didn't materialize in the third. Kerber produced the shot of the match when she lashed the forehand passing shot down the line from well behind the baseline.She raised her arm in jubilation and her joy escalated when leading 2-0.
A hold for Kerber would have swung the odds in her favor but that didn't happen. Instead Williams broke for 1-2.
The to and fro ensued. Kerber brought the fans out of their seats again with a a cross-court forehand pass, exemplifying her tenacity.
"I think I kept picking the wrong shots coming into," the net, said Williams, who won less than half of her 32 points at the net.
Even when she lost a protracted rally at 3-2 -- Kerber ran 70 meters -- she was sending a message to Williams that she wasn't about to surrender.
Three break points for Kerber came and went in the enthralling sixth game, the third one erased with a backhand into the corner. But on game point, Kerber kept the game going with a deft drop shot, her first of the match.
The pattern continued. Another Kerber drop shot stopped Williams from drawing level. A double fault soon followed and on her fifth opportunity, Williams struck a forehand long to cap the mesmerizing 10-minute tussle.
Kerber held to love for 5-2 and was on the brink of victory at 30-all in the next game. Williams, however, hung on.
Presented with a chance to serve it out, Kerber authored a shaky error on the first point. But Williams stepped up her level, hitting two good returns, including one on a second break point to pull to 4-5.
Ultimately there would be no miraculous comeback as the serve that has gotten Williams out of trouble on so many occasions disappeared.
Williams' final serve numbers were sobering, seven aces and six double faults
"The serve was not there tonight and especially in the big games," said Mouratoglou.
The underdog triumphing could give Andy Murray hope in the men's final. He will play Djokovic, who now seeks a sixth Australian Open crown. The world No. 1 has already toppled Murray in three Australian Open finals and is coming off a resounding semifinal win over Federer.
Doubles omen?
Second seed Murray might also take heart from the performance of his older brother Jamie, who paired with Brazil's Bruno Soares to win the men's doubles title later Saturday.The new partnership beat veterans Daniel Nestor of Canada and Radek Stepanek of the Czech Republic, another new pairing, 2-6 6-3 7-5 in a match that finished past midnight local time.
Andy, who could not watch the match from the stands through nerves, turned up at the trophy presentation.
But Saturday belonged to Kerber.
"The Australian public and everyone around the world fell in love with you tonight," said tournament director Craig Tiley after leading a toast to Kerber.
Drake releases 'Summer Sixteen,' his first single off Views From The 6
The long-awaited track debuted on OVO Sound Radio
Drake just dropped "Summer Sixteen" the first single from his upcoming album Views From the 6. The rapper debuted the song during his OVO Sound Radio show on Apple's Beats 1, after teasing the release in a tweet early this morning. "Summer Sixteen" is available on Apple Music and iTunes right now.Drake is taking some playful jabs at two of his favorite rappers, Jay Z and Kanye West, over the track produced by Noah "40" Shebib, Boi-1da, and CuBeatz, rapping "I used to wanna be on Roc-A-Fella, then I turned into Jay / Now I got a house in LA / Now I got a bigger pool than Ye / and look man, Ye’s pool is nice / Mine's just big is what I'm saying."
Even the human inspiration machine that is DJ Khaled makes an appearance at the end of the track. It's an excellent start to what is easily the most important album of Drake's career.
This is the latest major exclusive Drake has dropped on Apple Music, thanks to an exclusive deal with the streaming service. His mixtape with Future, What a Time to Be Alive was previewed the last time Drake hosted OVO Sound Radio, and his Meek Mill diss track "Charged Up" and the hit single "Hotline Bling" also made their debuts on Beats 1.
Bryan Cranston Cried Over His 1989 ‘Baywatch’ Cameo at the SAG Awards 2016

Hello, Tom Logan! Bryan Cranston jokingly shed tears over his 1989 Baywatch cameo during an interview with E!’s Giuliana Rancic at the 2016 SAG Awards on Saturday, January 30.
Cranston, who is nominated for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role for Trumbo, made an appearance on the hit ‘90s show as Tom Logan in an early episode of its freshman season. In the clip, Cranston is seen riding on a speedboat and wearing aviators.
“Oh, wow. I don't understand how that could have been overlooked for the Emmys or the SAG Awards. It brings a tear to my eye every time," Cranston told Rancic while wiping away faux tears with a tissue
“Did you think it would lead to this moment and possibly an Oscar win?" the E! News alum jokingly asked the 59-year-old Breaking Bad star. “No, I believe my secret for that character is he had diarrhea,” Cranston responded. “Thanks for digging that up
Cranston is nominated for his first Oscar for his role in Trumbo.
Idris Elba Mocks the Lack of Oscars Diversity at SAG Awards 2016: 'Welcome to Diverse TV' — Watch
Take that, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences! Idris Elba was a presenter at the 2016 SAG Awards on Saturday, January 30, where he took aim at this year's all-white slate of Oscars acting nominations.
The actor, 43, was on stage with Beasts of No Nation costar Abraham Attah to introduce footage for their film, which was nominated for best cast. At the start of his presentation, Elba made a reference to the recent discussion about diversity in Hollywood.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to diverse TV," Elba said about himself and Attah, prompting laughter from the audience.
Elba nabbed two prizes at the ceremony, winning best supporting actor in a film for Beasts and best actor in a TV miniseries for his title role in BBC America'sLuther. He is the first male actor to win two individual SAG trophies in the same night.
The film, which focuses on a child soldier in an African civil war, did not receive any Oscar nominations, and some awards pundits have felt that Elba's performance was snubbed. The lack of nominations for non-white actors this year has prompted fierce debate and even boycotts, leading the Academy to promise changes to its membership and voting process.
The evening's group of SAGs winners was a diverse bunch, including Queen Latifah, Viola Davis and the Orange Is the New Black cast.
Tell Us: What did you think of Idris Elba's remark?
Beasts of No Nation is currently streaming on Netflix.
The actor, 43, was on stage with Beasts of No Nation costar Abraham Attah to introduce footage for their film, which was nominated for best cast. At the start of his presentation, Elba made a reference to the recent discussion about diversity in Hollywood.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to diverse TV," Elba said about himself and Attah, prompting laughter from the audience.
Elba nabbed two prizes at the ceremony, winning best supporting actor in a film for Beasts and best actor in a TV miniseries for his title role in BBC America'sLuther. He is the first male actor to win two individual SAG trophies in the same night.
The film, which focuses on a child soldier in an African civil war, did not receive any Oscar nominations, and some awards pundits have felt that Elba's performance was snubbed. The lack of nominations for non-white actors this year has prompted fierce debate and even boycotts, leading the Academy to promise changes to its membership and voting process.
The evening's group of SAGs winners was a diverse bunch, including Queen Latifah, Viola Davis and the Orange Is the New Black cast.
Tell Us: What did you think of Idris Elba's remark?
Beasts of No Nation is currently streaming on Netflix.
Susan Sarandon's Cleavage at the SAG Awards 2016 Captivates the Internet: Here's Why
Actress Susan Sarandon captivated the Internet during the 22nd Annual SAG Awards on Saturday, January 30, and it was mainly for one reason: her cleavage.
The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe nominee, 69, showed off her chest in a sateen double-breasted (no pun intended!) suit by Max Mara that left little to the imagination. The star -- who presented the in memoriam segment -- barely concealed her ample assets, wearing just a little black bandeau bra beneath her pantsuit at the star-studded occasion.
Like Us, the Internet quickly caught on.
In early January, L'Oreal Paris named the gorgeous actress its latest brand ambassador. "Beauty comes from the inside," she said in a statement. "It’s a state of mind."
Leonardo DiCaprio Hugs Kate Winslet After First SAG Awards Win for 'The Revenant'
Their hearts will go on! Leonardo DiCaprio accepted his first-ever Screen Actors Guild Award at the 2016 ceremony on Saturday, January 30, for The Revenant, and his former costar and longtime pal Kate Winslet was among the first to congratulate him.
After Julianne Moore announced DiCaprio's name, the Golden Globe winner rose to take his place at the podium as his fellow actors gave him a standing ovation. But before he made his way to the stage, he stopped to hug his Titanicand Revolutionary Road leading lady, who was already on her feet and cheering wildly.
DiCaprio, 41, was previously nominated for SAG Awards in 1997, 1998, 2005, 2007 and 2012, but this is his first win. He also won the Golden Globe earlier this month and is nominated for an Oscar at the upcoming 2016 ceremony in February.
Winslet, 40, is rooting for her friend to take it all. Earlier on Saturday, she told E!'s Giuliana Rancic that she's more invested in DiCaprio's nominations than her own.
"I was shocked!" she said of winning the Globe for her supporting role in Steve Jobs. "To be honest with you, [it was] because I've been so focused on Leo and him winning everything and being so excited for him."
After Julianne Moore announced DiCaprio's name, the Golden Globe winner rose to take his place at the podium as his fellow actors gave him a standing ovation. But before he made his way to the stage, he stopped to hug his Titanicand Revolutionary Road leading lady, who was already on her feet and cheering wildly.
DiCaprio, 41, was previously nominated for SAG Awards in 1997, 1998, 2005, 2007 and 2012, but this is his first win. He also won the Golden Globe earlier this month and is nominated for an Oscar at the upcoming 2016 ceremony in February.
Winslet, 40, is rooting for her friend to take it all. Earlier on Saturday, she told E!'s Giuliana Rancic that she's more invested in DiCaprio's nominations than her own.
"I was shocked!" she said of winning the Globe for her supporting role in Steve Jobs. "To be honest with you, [it was] because I've been so focused on Leo and him winning everything and being so excited for him."
Blac Chyna Arrested at Austin, Texas, Airport for Public Intoxication
TMZ reports that police boarded her plane and arrested Chyna after she allegedly got drunk and disrupted the flight from L.A. One eyewitness told the site that she argued with a flight attendant on the plane.
Chyna was en route to London and had a layover in Austin. According to TMZ, she was taken into custody at the airport and booked for public intoxication. The Austin PD tells Us there may be other charges pending.
The Travis County Sheriff's website later showed that Chyna was also charged with possession of a controlled substance of one gram or more but less than four grams.
Chyna has been dominating headlines for several days now, ever since she posted a photo of herself in the embrace of a man who turned out to be Rob Kardashian, whose sister Kylie Jenner is dating Chyna's ex Tyga. Chyna and Tyga have a 3-year-old son, King Cairo.
Given her complicated history with the Kardashian-Jenner crew -- she also used to be friends with Kim Kardashian but is now BFFs with Kardashian rivalAmber Rose -- the new romance came as a bit of a shock. A source told Us Weekly the family was "in a bind" trying to be supportive of Rob and sensitive to Kylie.
Asked whether she cared what they thought of the relationship, Chyna told TMZ earlier on Friday, "Of course I care. I love all of them."
How smart Moon ( 18 ) The Voice fully packed
Not top favorite Jennie Lena, experienced Brace of Brabo Rocker Dave, but the 18 -year-old unknown Moon won Friday as the winner of The Voice of Holland a record deal . The Moon Stone Winkel from Noord-Holland Mountains manage that ? We set up the day after some facts straight .
Gunfactor Moon chose after her flawless audition directly for Marco Borsato as a coach. Borsato was soon away from his pupil. ,, She had just completed her high school diploma, doubted whether medication wanted to study of psychology and thought I take a gap year to see if there might be a spot for me in the music industry and if I find that at all nice ' 'said the tiles text creator in his blog. The Voice is the place where Moon felt at home, concluded Borsato. ,, That experience and that knowledge is a victory in itself. '' For Borsato the final was extra emotional because it was the last time he sat on the red chair. The voices went to Moon, also went a little to Marco. For his fans give him a dignified farewell. Hardwell Lunar first single 'In a perfect World' is a direct collaboration with one of the biggest DJs in the world: Hardwell. ,, Really crazy, '' cooed the young brunette during the announcement in Koffietijd. ,, It will be a blast. "" It was Hardwell (Robbert van de Corput from Breda) himself who announced himself as a producer. That came Borsato and his student as well, because as Moon Friday could also pack the popular dance scene. Exactly ,, it sound that they put a lot of people can enchant while you hear the unmistakable influences Hardwell in the choruses, '' says Borsato. The song is now on iTunes and Radio 1 in 538 bombed the single after the finals to Alarmschijf.
marriage proposals Not only many young girls , including teenage boys will have voted on Moon . With her beautiful little face , slender figure and short dresses she grabbed many a heart in men . ,, I get poems and marriage proposals , 'she verklapte previously 100 % NL . The smart Moon whispered the listeners that she hoped her silent worshipers " would vote for her . Either way The previous editions of The Voice were won by soul singer Ben Saunders ( 2010 season ) , harpist - singer Iris Kroes ( 2011 ), power vocalist Leona Philippo ( 2012 ) , singer-songwriter Julia van der Wrath (2013) and trio O'G3NE ( 2014 ) . Moon is not the only young winner ( also Julia was 18 when she won ), but the only one who has no musical profile . She sang the English with her coach in the finals ' Beyond ' and she ventured to Beyoncé 's monster hit 'Halo ' . Preliminary cooperation with Hardwell seems to send her to the dance side .
Gunfactor Moon chose after her flawless audition directly for Marco Borsato as a coach. Borsato was soon away from his pupil. ,, She had just completed her high school diploma, doubted whether medication wanted to study of psychology and thought I take a gap year to see if there might be a spot for me in the music industry and if I find that at all nice ' 'said the tiles text creator in his blog. The Voice is the place where Moon felt at home, concluded Borsato. ,, That experience and that knowledge is a victory in itself. '' For Borsato the final was extra emotional because it was the last time he sat on the red chair. The voices went to Moon, also went a little to Marco. For his fans give him a dignified farewell. Hardwell Lunar first single 'In a perfect World' is a direct collaboration with one of the biggest DJs in the world: Hardwell. ,, Really crazy, '' cooed the young brunette during the announcement in Koffietijd. ,, It will be a blast. "" It was Hardwell (Robbert van de Corput from Breda) himself who announced himself as a producer. That came Borsato and his student as well, because as Moon Friday could also pack the popular dance scene. Exactly ,, it sound that they put a lot of people can enchant while you hear the unmistakable influences Hardwell in the choruses, '' says Borsato. The song is now on iTunes and Radio 1 in 538 bombed the single after the finals to Alarmschijf.
marriage proposals Not only many young girls , including teenage boys will have voted on Moon . With her beautiful little face , slender figure and short dresses she grabbed many a heart in men . ,, I get poems and marriage proposals , 'she verklapte previously 100 % NL . The smart Moon whispered the listeners that she hoped her silent worshipers " would vote for her . Either way The previous editions of The Voice were won by soul singer Ben Saunders ( 2010 season ) , harpist - singer Iris Kroes ( 2011 ), power vocalist Leona Philippo ( 2012 ) , singer-songwriter Julia van der Wrath (2013) and trio O'G3NE ( 2014 ) . Moon is not the only young winner ( also Julia was 18 when she won ), but the only one who has no musical profile . She sang the English with her coach in the finals ' Beyond ' and she ventured to Beyoncé 's monster hit 'Halo ' . Preliminary cooperation with Hardwell seems to send her to the dance side .
Chile name Juan Antonio Pizzi as new national team manager
Leon manager Juan Antonio Pizzi has been announced as the next manager of Chile's national team, succeeding the departed Jorge Sampaoli, who left his post to pursue other opportunities.
Pizzi will take over as the manager of the defending Copa America champions next week and will stay in the position until the end of the 2018 World Cup, according to a statement on the Chilean federation's website.
"We are very pleased with the arrival of Juan Antonio Pizzi. A professional who gives us full confidence, has an established career, has been a champion in Chile and Argentina, in addition to good campaigns in Europe and Mexico," federation president Arturo Salah said.
"Pizzi is the right person to protect and continue the work of the Chilean national team, while maintaining the competitiveness shown in recent years," added Salah.
In addition to overseeing Chile's team throughout World Cup qualification, Pizzi will also be tasked with guiding the squad for the 2016 Copa America Centenario in the United States and the 2017 Confederations Cup in Russia, a tune-up event for the World Cup.
Argentine-born Pizzi, 47, has managed Liga MX club Leon since 2014 and was the boss at Spanish Primera Division club Valencia for a year prior to that.
Pizzi will take over as the manager of the defending Copa America champions next week and will stay in the position until the end of the 2018 World Cup, according to a statement on the Chilean federation's website.
"We are very pleased with the arrival of Juan Antonio Pizzi. A professional who gives us full confidence, has an established career, has been a champion in Chile and Argentina, in addition to good campaigns in Europe and Mexico," federation president Arturo Salah said.
"Pizzi is the right person to protect and continue the work of the Chilean national team, while maintaining the competitiveness shown in recent years," added Salah.
In addition to overseeing Chile's team throughout World Cup qualification, Pizzi will also be tasked with guiding the squad for the 2016 Copa America Centenario in the United States and the 2017 Confederations Cup in Russia, a tune-up event for the World Cup.
Argentine-born Pizzi, 47, has managed Liga MX club Leon since 2014 and was the boss at Spanish Primera Division club Valencia for a year prior to that.
Jennifer Aniston's hair stylist just gave Allison Williams bangs
Bangxiety! We've all had it, right? Maybe you've toyed with the idea of a hair change, but bangs are SUCH a commitment, and they don't even have the courtesy of offering you a 35-carat ring à la Mariah Carey's fiancé, James Packer.
Well, it turns out Allison Williams feels our pain! One of our favorite Girls shared this pic showing her hair transformation by Jennifer Aniston's go-to stylist, Chris McMillan. Just take a look at the caption:
11 inspiring quotes by Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on January 30, 1948. Here are some quotes to remember him by.
1. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
2. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
3. Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever.
4. An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
5. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
6. You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
7. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
8. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
9. Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
10. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
11. Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.
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