Tuesday 26 January 2016

Admission 2016: Check if you agreed to free higher education

Students from second year can determine whether they have earned this benefit to continue their studies without paying this year.The Ministry of Education (MINEDUC ) published the results of gratuitousness 2016 for sophomores Tuesday onwards . For students who are inconsistent or incomplete information , they will be required to submit documentation upon enrollment in college attached to Gratuity 2016 . As of February 9 , the results of the freshmen enrolled in institutions of higher education, which are within the agencies signed a gratuity will be delivered.That same Tuesday a new FUAS process ( Application Form to the Student Aid State ) for those students lag behind both new in higher education like the old cursándola are already open.
On April 27, 2016 Gratuity definitive results for students enrolled in higher education courses delivered universities enrolled .

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