Tuesday 26 January 2016

New episodes of The X-Files : " I still want to believe "

The US series "The X-Files" comes 13 years after its end further than the classic sequel with a modern twist and our time. Its content remains true to itself: in everything secret conspirators are to blame - an assessment that sounds strangely familiar. The US government has constructed a gigantic surveillance apparatus secretly to control all people. Besides the fact that here the aliens are missing, that sounds like an episode of the US television series "The X-Files". That it is, however, sad reality, we know since the revelations of Edward Snowden. A reality where the new edition of the style-defining series can not get past from the 1990s, which now enters the US television and will be seen soon with us. The explanation One can at the Snowden revelations react with trade-offs, with attempts at explanation that does not excuse the surveillance mania of the USA, but at least make it comprehensible in bar parts. In response to a contested nation that would do anything to prevent such a thing as the attacks of 11 September 2001 in the future, thereby exaggerating mercilessly. Or take the NSA surveillance, grabs climate change to genetic food plus civil wars and declared all this and a whole lot more easily: With the "most evil conspiracy that has ever seen the world", not driven by capitalist greed, but something "much darker". Exactly now makes X-Files to heave the 90's to the present. Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) was a type of conspiracy theorists, many of whom are likely to have felt confirmed in the summer of 2013 as the ex-NSA analyst Edward Snowden went public. That can be difficult to talk of the conspiracy of an elitist circle when millions of people are inducted into the US - bestowed. The reboot of the X-Files is now exactly, but revealed in the first - of six - consequences more than once in all seasons. The backers of the mother of all conspiracies is exchanged simply times.

Together with Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) Mulder is in the first episode "My Struggle" (February 8 at Pro Sieben as "The Battle") literally transformed by Tad O'Malley (Joel McHale), an Internet star who has become rich by uncovering conspiracies. The plans the final revelation that will bring everything to light and change the course of the world. Why does he need for Mulder and Scully, is not really clear, after all, he has everything already cobbled together himself. Your world will still be ours, whereupon not only intended to indicate a photo Snowden. O'Malleys worldview from which he mainly Mulder ("I will only believe! Real evidence is strangely hard to get.") Wants to convince, turns out to quickly than that one-dimensional, which is being touted not only on Mondays on German roads. However, in the series, which runs in the US on Rupert Murdoch's Fox, he has so right, at least if you trust the course of the first episode. Continued instead Reboot The new episodes are The X-Files as ever; instead reissue more a continuation and modernization of the old substance. Mulder and Scully have experienced a lot together and know them by their separate time, whom they have each other. Apart from the speed with which are revealed here the secrets, especially fans of the first hour are likely to feel at home. And yet: The times have changed and whether the series there still fits, it must show yet. In the complicated world of the 21st century they are at least initially simple answers, or even just a complex to many questions. Unlike in 1993, but it brings the conspiracy not only to the living room, but she finds there sometimes before. Probably, it is much easier and behind X-Files is no conspiracy out of the darkness, but only the desire to achieve in our world, what Tad O'Malley has managed in the fictional: With Conspiracy to become rich. No matter on which floor they fall.

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